Originally posted by Spoonman
Well its just something to consider, Id have to strip it down and fit a hand operated handbrake aswell (it is a manual in case youre wondering), not to mention new coilovers and bucket seats, I get thrown around the car enough without drifting! Power realy isnt the issue, in fact learning in an underpowered car is said to make you a better drifter. Im leaning towards a BMW 325i E36, for which u can get an aftermarket LSD for £750, nissan ones are £500, and u can get a lot more other upgrade parts easily. But a 200SX starts from around £1200 for the S13, more like 3-4k for the S14. BMWs on the other hand are common as anything so u can get them cheap, and have a cheap and cheerful trackday/drifting car.

btw if any of you are interested in drifting Id sugest you go to www.driftworks.com especially those of you with AMG W202's, everyone loves new types of cars being used for drifting, especially european ones as atm its pretty much a japanese dominated sport, but thats ONLY because of the avaliability of upgrade parts for them. I say help make it a more popular sport in europe and get companies motivated to make aftermarket parts for Mercedes and BMWs!
can you post up a pic of your aftermarket handbrake, and where u mounted it and how u plumbed it in? thanks