Thanks for the support guys. I know a lot of you are also having "normal" overheating issues, so i hope I can provide some insight once my car is fixed. I'd hate to have this happen to anyone else. It sucks. It might be a simple fix, but it can cause major headaches.

To anser some questions, yes I was using OEM coolant, but the engine still ran hot. It wasn't until very recently I added Water Wetter to try and help things but it really didn't make a diff, nether good or bad.

Other variable:
* Low Oil. At the bare minimum mark.

Well, i'll call up Zim this afternoon and see if he's had the chance to look at it yet.

I suppose I may as well have him change the oil too as it is almost time anyway.

And yup. Nokia, Monatheism, and his bro Richie were lifesavers. Awedsome friends to have