Originally posted by speedybenz
For now its been just backroads. Where I use the shift lever to change and hold gears. So the engine stays up the rpm scale pretty much the whole drive.
...Same way I drive. The rest of the unwashed masses out on the road just hate us, don't they?!!

Race track very soon. I just about have everything sorted out. Just want to revalve the Penske shocks to increase low speed compression and rebound damping.
Too bad there's no tracks nearby that lets people off the street on the track. I did a Skip Barber "Day of Racing" at Limerock. However they never offer any times for us to get on the track with our cars. Grr...

Regarding suspension, I'm one of those guys who researches to no end before making a move -- else I'm never happy and constantly second guessing my move afterwards. I'm still way to uninformed to modify my suspension.

...so, if you had to do it over, would you do your setup the same? Any other recommendations?

Best Regards,