Quote Originally Posted by vaspen View Post
so I contacted bosh about this and there "recommendation" was to leave it alone ..
any help on a 150 amp for a 230 00
What Abbaso says is correct. You can get a new or remanufactured C43 alternator (Bosch AL0766X), and it will bolt right up to your car. You will have to re-use the pulley from your C230 (direct fit).

You should also measure the gauge of wire that runs from the back of the alternator to your battery. You will need 0 gauge copper-core wire to run this alternator near full output. Of course, where there is a change to higher output, you should also install a higher output alternator fuse. This will be either inline with the battery-alternator wire or in one of the fuse boxes. I'd guess it's in the wire since my car doesn't have any fuses that large in the fuse boxes.

Since this is for car audio, look up "the big three" if you already haven't.