It will work with pretty much any setup. But the truth is there are literally a ton of different transmissions from Mercedes. Two different ratio sets and within those many different valve bodies, clutch pack setups etc. Dodge valve bodies are different than Mercedes. Now take in variances on used transmissions or a rebuild. Clearances on the clutch packs. Number of clutches, Double sided vs single sided frictions. Look up on the EPC and you can see how many variances there are. I have seen probably 10-20 different clutch pack assemblies for a single element.
Now down to tuning. Ok. So you have a 2.3l gas engine that makes lets say 150hp. Using MAP or using TPS as an input. I tune for that in a specific chassis, gear set MPH shift points etc. Now take that same tune and put a 5.7l engine in front of it that makes 300-400hp. Or a 800-1000 hp application or more. Or change a mph shift point by a fair amount and the load changes. Change the weight of the vehicle by 500-1000lbs. Change the gear ratios from 2.73 gears to a 3.46. All of this is going to change how the shifts work. If I set it up with a locked tune and had to error on the harsh shifts then it would be brutally hard for the 2.3l gas engine c class and decent for the 5.7l application. There are just to many variables. You even have to account for engine mass. A rotating assembly at 0 load with have a big effect on a shift.
Now your 4l60-80 etc. Is a very different transmission and comparing it to a 722.6 is not realistic. The 722.6 is a sequential shift valve body and uses a clutch to clutch strategy for shifting. Tuning is completely different. I would have to give a class on the differences. But basically in the .6 we do not really use line pressure. We have working pressure and that is the closest thing to line. It is the pressure from which all other pressures are derived. And is what is applied to a non shifting clutch pack. A shift is controlled by two pressures. Modulator and Shift pressure. There are two solenoids that we control for this. The modulator pressure also controls the working pressure. So a shift begins by activating the shift solenoid. This moves a valve in the valve body to allow shift pressure to be able to go to the on coming clutch. A balance of the shift presure, modulator pressure and the off coming clutch pressure work on what is called the overlap control valve. This controls the drain rate on the off coming clutch. Shift pressure applies the oncoming clutch. Depending on the apply rate we want a different amount of off rate. Even a small change in a cars setup can make these pressures off.

As far as making a plug and play kit for a 202 chassis. I could do this. If I had a car and set the parameters myself. I could easily sell that as a repeat kit. But that would be for a specific engine and gear set etc. I just need a car and the money. But I am not going to invest in this myself.

As for how many of my customers have been successful. I would say the overwhelming majority. I have maybe had a couple that got in over their heads. I try to help as much as I can and have gotten most through the process. But I have had a couple that just needed someone else to do it for them that understood wiring and how to use a computer. I can really only thing of 2-3 max that were unable or unwilling to do what I asked for to help them.

To the idea that I am going to do the tuning for you if you want it adjusted. I can do that. It justs costs more money. I can fly down and do the install and tune it for you if you would like. I charge 700.00 a day plus travel expenses. It normally takes me a couple of days to really dial in a car to be nice to drive after the install. I do this and can work via email and datalogs. I simply do not make enough on the product to spend more than a couple of hours on the sale and customer support. I have spent way more than that with some and generally look at it like an average. I may have 10 customers that really did not need any help and then one that needs a lot. But I have to call it after so much. Or we are not getting anywhere. I really do this because I like it. I have a regular business and this takes away from that sometimes. I got into it for my own car and it grew from there. There is no business model here that makes any sense and if that is all it was then no one would offer this for this transmission.