Hey Guys,

I just joined. I want to appologize for posting here, I don't own aW202. I hope it's not a problem, after all, we are all fellow benz drivers. I have a '95 w140 coupe. I come from bnzsport.com. I noticed that you guys (nokia8860 and others) know a lot about this kind of problem, and maybe could help me.

I installed HID kit (misterjung.com) in my w140 couple of months ago. I assume it's a bi-xenon kit, because same bulb does low and high beam. Looks good, the only problem is the "light out" is on on my dash. I've ignored it for a while, but now I want to get rid of it.

Nokia8860 advised this link


but I think it's not what I need. I think it's for those who go from 50W halogens to 100W halogens (from lower wattage to higher). I believe HID's take less current than normal 50W halogens. So, I went from higher wattage to lower. I have a couple of questions:

1. Will the relay still help here?
2. Do I need to know exactly how much current HID kit draws in order to get the right relay?
3. Where can I get this relay? Radioshack?
4. Do I simply install it inline? Which wire do I use, positive?

I hope this makes sense

Any help will be greatly appreciated!