Hi guys, I really really appreciate the speedy help and definitely the info on how to lubricate the gearing. Yeah, i was trying to understand how the gearing could be at fault because it's not like the wiper stops or runs with some odd clicking sound. It just slows down exactly when the wiper blade contracts and expands at the two places in the middle.

I was also thinking maybe it wasn't lubricated, but i really didn't know if it even required that or could be a DIY. Looking at the wiper last night, I was wondering how i could try to do that and you guys basically read my mind

I am hoping it is going to resolve the issue. I'll have a go at it tonight.

Man, if this is all it was then I can tell the dealership to kiss my a$$ for not even considering this.

If not, then at least my warranty will cover this too.

But i'd rather learn something about my car and at least say i tried fixing it myself first.

i'll let you know. Thanks again for the great pics too boomingbenz. I appreciate the effort as i'm a visual kinda guy!

*fingers crossed*