Yep they fixed it and filled it twice for only $68.12, What a deal!!! It was fixed in the nic of time for Socals blazing hot temperatures. What was wrong with it you ask???

So when i decided to get it fixed, i take it to this place to fill it up and they test for leaks first, and they said i have one but they can't find it so they ASSume its in the car (the evaporator) so i left.

Then i go the trusty place next to my house where i 've hade my car fixed before( should of gone there first but was afriad it was goin to cost more, boy i was wrong) Anyways they filled it up and put a UV die in along with the r134. Than a week later i bring it back b/c it wasn't cold anymore, they found the leak and fixed it for free. the problem was just a loose coupler and changed a O ring. then they filled it back up again.

Just wanted to share my happy a/c story.

till next time
