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Thread: Yea, Look what I found. Yea!!

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Yea, Look what I found. Yea!!

    I know this really isnt a reapir thread( unless someone has some drirt cheap tips for me). But it has to do with ALOT of repairs.

    Man, this is how I feel right now. Just silly & not giving a damn about this car at the moment. This is what I found after I jacked the car up looking for the cause of a hellacious noise in the rear when I hit bumps.

    On top of me having to replace ALL the bushings in the car(rear diff, rear arms, body, ect,ect..) , shocks, springs, headliner, front bumper, front corners, steering shock, rebuilding the rear diff, power steering pump, tires, brakes, centerlink, spark plugs & fuel filter. I found this.
    I knew alot of this already needed to be replaced. But after the accident. I just kinda lost intrest in fixing the car. Then when my wife hit a curb while going to pick up her aunt, the knocking noise in the rear started. I jacked up the car & found the right rear shock blown, & the lower arm completely shot & just kinda hanging by the bolt. Needless to say everytime the car breaks traction( which is almost always) the rear shudders like it is about to fall out of the car(this is REALLY bad when I hit some water at over 100kph+). It has kicked sideways on me a few times....not good.
    So it looks like I have an A##LOAD of work ahead of me. Sadly, it will not happen until after we get a new vehicle. Which may not be until next year. Unless I can find killer deals on some parts, this car may end up dying a slow death. Man I hope not because love it, as does my whole family. The car is just a bit to dangerous to drive right now, especially in the rain.
    I have only had the car for a year & besides the inital $1300 for maintenance I did, the car has been absolutely wonderful. Even with all these problems, it sticks to the DRY raods at over 200kpm, with no troubles. I can only imagine what it's going to be like once I start the upgrades. I cannot wait, but at the same time I have to.

    So aggrivated.
    1989 240sx

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    just try and get a replacement shock for the blown one. 2 new rear ones from a wrecker, this is a cheap fix and should save your car shuddering with wheelspin and should be relatively cheap $ wise
    ^ short term fix until u get 2 have a good attack at the rear

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Well, don't know what to say. But just thought I'd let you know you're not the only one that's bummed out. Check out what happened to me yesterday... A guy hit me in a parking structure as I was aproaching the exit booth. Now the insurrance is trying to figure out who's fault it was. If they say they wont cover the damage, I won't have the funds to fix it... sigh...

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    we all feel your pain, buddy. u r not alone.
    i need a new ac compressor with all the trimmings,
    rear diff seal work
    4 silver dollar sized rust spot on the body
    probably will need new suspension soon as well.

    just go to the junk yard and get what u need for now. the car's worth fixing, but u already know that.
    best of luck.

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