Hey guys, first time post... Picked up my 97 C200 last week and couldn't be happier. Thanks for all the great information on this forum guys, I've spent ages looking back at some of the earlier posts and there is a goldmine of information here!

I do have one question that I can't find an answer to - apologies if it is here somewhere though. I've got the common problem of a light out in the cluster, in this case it's behind the clock. I should be able to handle fixing it up without too many problems, but I'm not sure what part numbers I need for replacement bulbs. I figure that I might as well replace all of the bulbs, as if one has gone another could go soon too. I called up the parts department of the local MB dealership but the guy I spoke to could only tell me that there were two different types of bulbs. Does anyone know how many of each type I need, and what the part numbers are?
