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Thread: finnally lowered my car!!!

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    finnally lowered my car!!!

    Well It took me almost half a year, but i finally lowerd my car. H&R with bilsteins, #3 pads in front and #4 pads in the back. Bout a finger gap all around. I really like the set up, and it handles so much better then stock. It rides firm but smoother!!! Its not as harsh as stock, if that makes any sense. The only thing is that now i scrape going into my driveway. I hafta find a way to fix that.... Pictures to come soon!

  2. #2
    OG Moderator
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Re: finnally lowered my car!!!

    Originally posted by knvs
    The only thing is that now i scrape going into my driveway. I hafta find a way to fix that.... Pictures to come soon!
    Well for a start if you're goin striaght up try going at the max angle you can go up, that'll sovle your problems.
    WE NEED PICS!!!!
    Got BRABUS?

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Can't wait for picks! That's the next mod I wanna do with my car. How much did you lower?

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Re: finnally lowered my car!!!

    Originally posted by 714guy
    Well for a start if you're goin striaght up try going at the max angle you can go up, that'll sovle your problems.
    WE NEED PICS!!!!
    I am going in at an angle. ITs not getting up the driveway thats hard, its getting into the garage. I scrape in the middle where the garage starts to level off. Also its really hard to go in at an angle, bc its a small 2 car garage and there's little room to move once u're in the garage. It's a slight scraping tho so its not too bad. In fact coming out today for work wasn't so bad. I'll have to check whats scraping on the bottom later today.

    I say it lowered my car about 1.5-2 inches. I think H&R are a bit conservative with their drop claim. lets just say that I'm on #3 in the front and #4 pads in the rear and I barely have a finger gap between the tire and the fender

  5. #5
    714, i dont know if you remember that day Susanto was lowering my car, but i had about a finger in the front and nothing in the rear... but... to the point, my driveway is one of those curb drive ways so i had to buy some lumber, more like plywood to even things out, i bought about a foot long peice to drive up to make less of an incline, helps with that and if i do scrap the wood is the piece that takes the damage... ghetto i know, but it works...
    06 C55 AMG
    09 Murano SL

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