View Full Version : Where to find white gauges?

12-20-2006, 02:22 PM
For my C23K, 1996?

I'd like to have that installed, really.

12-20-2006, 03:16 PM
they come on 00' sport models I believe. thats where I got mine off of.

12-20-2006, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by RemoLexi
they come on 00' sport models I believe. thats where I got mine off of.

I'll be getting rid of mine soon, when I upgrade the cluster. Maybe in a month or so.

12-20-2006, 08:32 PM
does your gauge glow too? like the indoglow ones? or is it just the white face? are you going to sell yours? if you are i'm interested in them. =]

12-20-2006, 09:39 PM
I asked before!

12-21-2006, 12:59 AM
Hm..!!! Time for an auction between you two then! :D

12-21-2006, 04:00 AM
:D :D :D

12-21-2006, 09:09 AM
grga. Once I secure the new cluster, i'll let ya know. I am trying to bargain with the guy.
$750 for a used cluster is a bit rich for my blood right now.

Would you want the entire cluster or just the faces? Just the faces would be so much cheaper to ship & that is all I would ask for them is shipping+$1(payable once you recieve shippment).
The entire cluster, I have no idea. I do believe the white faces light up. I honestly cannot remember(dont drive much at night let alone pay attn to the gauges..gotta keep my eye on these crazy ass drivers). IIRC one of the bulbs is blown. I havent really cared enough about a bulb to take out my entire cluster.

I'll let ya know tonight if they do light up & i'll post a pic

Oh shit....grga.DO you need KM or MPH??
Here is a pic of my cluster.

Proven Guilty
12-21-2006, 10:02 AM
the face gagues themselves (black background and white as well) both have what you described as the "indiglow", meaning very little light actually passes through the gague faces themselves, but the speed/tach/fuel matrix etc does light up from the light reflected through the plastic piece they are stuck on.

i would sell you mine since i'm going to switch back to black most likely, but mine is from a US model and has MPH as the primary display with KM underlying.'

edit: forgot to mention as a reminder, the white gague faces are usually complimented with white needles like you see in the pic above. the standard black usually has orange needles.

12-21-2006, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by Espresso
grga. Once I secure the new cluster, i'll let ya know. I am trying to bargain with the guy.
$750 for a used cluster is a bit rich for my blood right now.

Would you want the entire cluster or just the faces? Just the faces would be so much cheaper to ship & that is all I would ask for them is shipping+$1(payable once you recieve shippment).
The entire cluster, I have no idea. I do believe the white faces light up. I honestly cannot remember(dont drive much at night let alone pay attn to the gauges..gotta keep my eye on these crazy ass drivers). IIRC one of the bulbs is blown. I havent really cared enough about a bulb to take out my entire cluster.

I'll let ya know tonight if they do light up & i'll post a pic

Oh shit....grga.DO you need KM or MPH??
Here is a pic of my cluster.

I need KM and I need EXACTLY that, with needles (needles aren't so important, though).

M8, PLEASE, remember me when you solve your cluster situation, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE.

Christ, I could kill someone for this cluster.

P.S. if you maybe have PayPal account (and I think that you have) we can arrange this fery quickly.

12-21-2006, 10:27 AM
grga. I will definitly keep you informed.

I just talked with my local MB service & asked them about reprogramming the new cluster & the fuckers will not do it( I have to buy new FROM THEM)..I am not suprised though.
So I have to find someone who can program it for me.

I just found a cluster with a warranty that is no where near what this other guy wants. If i get my wifes OK, I may purchase it this saturday.

I'll let ya know man.

12-21-2006, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by Espresso
grga. I will definitly keep you informed.

I just talked with my local MB service & asked them about reprogramming the new cluster & the fuckers will not do it( I have to buy new FROM THEM)..I am not suprised though.
So I have to find someone who can program it for me.

I just found a cluster with a warranty that is no where near what this other guy wants. If i get my wifes OK, I may purchase it this saturday.

I'll let ya know man.

PLEASE, if we successfully do this, it'll be my the most wanted "upgrade", really, so PLEASE, try to not make me sad.

Proven Guilty
12-21-2006, 10:37 AM
i dont mean to keep butting my head in, but just another reminder i forgot about - the backlight of the white gague matrix is amber in color, where the standard is more of a pale white. you'll notice the outside temp/odometer/clock also have the amber glow to them. this is done by an amber light filter that goes over the LCDs themselves. right now i have the standard LCD colors, white gague faces with orange needles. it looks pretty cool because it flows with my eclipse head unit for the stereo system. :D

so a checklist if you want to complete the "sport" look

-white gague faces + cluster backplane (they are stuck to a plastic holder/backplane, and removing them somewhat messes up the light matrix so i wouldn't recommend it)
-white needles (twist off fairly easily, no tools necessary)
-amber LCD inserts to match the new backlight of the gague matrix

i'll snap some pics of the complete assembly for you guys tonight when i get home from work.

12-21-2006, 02:32 PM
yes I need this in KM as well along with dials.

12-21-2006, 05:39 PM
yep I remember I stayed up til 2AM installing my guages afterwork. very happy with the mod altough mine is in MPH (US)

12-22-2006, 05:23 AM
These guys advertise to do virtually anything you want:

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Mercedes-Instrument-cluster-dash-Pixel-repair-C-E-CLK_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33675QQihZ007QQitem Z170062365558QQrdZ1


And even tell you how to get your cluster out!


(I have no experience with them).

12-23-2006, 11:28 PM

These guys have the white-goods as well:


Plus a DIY video (but German audio!).


An old DIY link from "MBFANTIC01"(?), but now with no photos:


...and finally these guys who have every car except the W202! Club202 should give them a nudge!


12-24-2006, 05:12 PM
where is the best place to get the white guage faces for my 96' 220? That german site posted just doesnt seem like its going to be easy to order them... I really want to emulate the sport look with the amber backlight... but i kinda would like to see some pics of red or blue...

12-31-2006, 07:26 AM
Originally posted by Markland556
where is the best place to get the white guage faces for my 96' 220? That german site posted just doesnt seem like its going to be easy to order them... I really want to emulate the sport look with the amber backlight... but i kinda would like to see some pics of red or blue...

Ive decided I dont even like the white look any more ha..
was quite astounded to learn that this is what my final product will look like..
http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/1058/chromavantgardeur9.th.jpg (http://img221.imageshack.us/my.php?image=chromavantgardeur9.jpg)
tnx for the links to the clusters..

I have my dails blue now, and frankly its the most rice, chav thing Ive ever layed eyes on .. If the weather was better I would of reverted my stock sport dials back to amber with out a thought.
for the novilty of it .. its great
I dont regret doing it though because much was learned..
I dont know if there are some SUPER SUPER bright bulbs that I dont know of but Ive tryed a few from "ultra bright" to "extreme bright" .. and they barely do the job, the only reason i got my sports dial as bright as it is.. is thanks to a 25 strong led strip with auxilary power.

you can buy my cluster/dails off me when I recieve my 210 cluster, should be in the new year..