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View Full Version : Cmon now!

09-02-2003, 10:11 AM
Ok so this had better not be any of you guys on here! I was walkin through Walnut Creek the other day and spotted a very plain but nice silver 202. Ok so far. I look downwards and notice he has the chrome front plate with the chrome emblem just like i do. Ok very nice. but wait just a minute!!! He/She installed it upside down!!! so that it made like a y!! So i took the liberty of writing a nice lil note explaining the error. Hopefully it was corrected. CMON NOW!!! :D

Renn 208
09-02-2003, 10:45 AM
hmmm, I don't suppose you've taken it upon yourself to put an ////AMG badge on someone else's tricked out C230K have you?;)

09-02-2003, 10:57 AM
LOL. im guessin that happened to you? No i would never actually touch somone else's ride just a lil courtesy note under the wiper. but if i did see a 230 with an amg badge id prolly leave a note on that sayin take it of thats just like the ricers that put type r on everything they own. ghetto. im just waitin for the day i see a type r benz. lol. then ill really lose it!:D

09-02-2003, 11:51 AM
i've seen that guy around my hood too, i think he's on the board 230 kompressor ot something like that

09-02-2003, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by Renn 208
hmmm, I don't suppose you've taken it upon yourself to put an ////AMG badge on someone else's tricked out C230K have you?;)

Sound very familiar to me who you referring too.... :D ;) :cool:

Renn 208
09-02-2003, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by JRE320
Sound very familiar to me who you referring too.... :D ;) :cool:

Jun's on the right track!:cool:

09-02-2003, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by JRE320
Sound very familiar to me who you referring too.... :D ;) :cool:

Same here!!! :D

09-02-2003, 10:53 PM
HAHAHAHA THATS ME! but my star is right side up now...how funny, i always wanted see 202'rs on the street from this board but never do. atleast someone spotted me...maybe i should turn it upside down again, get attention again !!! b.t.w why are you bagging on me!! :( not nice!!! ima club202'er for gosh sakes!


09-03-2003, 11:28 AM
naw man wasnt you. im talkin about the plate down below. not the grill. now havin the grill upside down thats an even bigger party foul! lol well as long as you fixed it i guess we can be forgiving. :D

09-09-2003, 10:46 PM
Hehe, Hey how do you like your panosonic 7in? I see a lot on e-bay for under $800! built in dvd right? so only 1 deck..

Thanks buddy!

09-09-2003, 11:07 PM
aww man i love it! it works out perfect. yeah its all built into one unit dvd and all. has a really nice fm tuner control unit (brain) as well plenty of video ins and outs to plug in rear cams xbox etc.... has TONS of different view settings/tilt modes as well. i got mine for $850 )unit/brain/and an 8 disc changer. i would have payed a grand for it and still would have been a kick ass deal. if you see one under 1000 with the brain and built in dvd grab it. its worth it. btw where did you get that grill and how much was it? thanks

09-10-2003, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by 1SIKBNZ
where did you get that grill and how much was it? thanks

Thanks for the info pal. As for my grill I got it at my local Mercedes Stealership in Buena Park, CA. House Of imports 1-800-Mercedes. For about $275.
