View Full Version : electric fan instread using fan cluch

10-16-2007, 11:49 AM
any one using thin electric fan instread of fan cluch on c36?
I wanna find one but it need to be very thin..
will it gain more power?

10-16-2007, 07:00 PM
i dont think its really that big of a deal. Mercedes had a dam good reason not to do the typical electrical fan. I doubt there is much power loss. The only benefit would be able to choose when you want it on, which your shouldn't really need to do unless something is wrong...

10-20-2007, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by omeyhomey

either way mechanical fans belong in the 1980s, why euro companies refuse to make the transition that majority others have made.

Get rid of it

Is there any guide for this or smth similar? Personally, I'd like to do this mod.

09-14-2008, 10:32 AM
yea, i own a c230 k and i am very interested in doing this

09-14-2008, 06:19 PM
I have a C230 Kompressor as well. I have thought about getting rid of my viscous fan for some time as I know it robs power from the engine. there have been other posts on here about it.
I am working on making replacement fan for my car. I have everything i need except for the electric fan itself. which i will be purchasing soon.
Im going to get an R170 SLK electric fan and use that.. since the R170 SLK 230 Kompressors have the same engine set up as my W202, so it should fit in no problem.. hopefully!
Im going to be using all mercedes parts to make this work (in theory).
a fan control module (from an SLK), wiring harness (Im making my own harness, but using all mercedes connectors), and of course the fan itself. my only issue will be finding the right signal from my ME, as the output from the ME to the fan on the slk is different. checked a wiring diagram.
so thats my only dilemma at this time!
pic of the parts I have:

09-15-2008, 05:41 AM
I like the idea of an electric fan. It can use some of the stored energy in the battery instead of robbing energy from the crankshaft output as is the case in the mechanical fan clutch.

One could expect engine acceleration response to be crisper when the engine is hot, without the normal drag of the cooling fan.

I haven't done any research on the mods required for the C36, but I am all ears if anyone else has some tips!

09-15-2008, 03:02 PM
Would removing the fan clutch cause any sort of unbalance on the engine?

09-15-2008, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by w202_00
Would removing the fan clutch cause any sort of unbalance on the engine?

09-19-2008, 07:35 AM
SLAMMED_C let us know asap how your setup goes. Thanks again for the info.

09-19-2008, 08:07 AM
Also, can u supply us with the part numbers that you are using? it will be greatly appreciated

09-22-2008, 04:33 PM
I still need to fab things up!.. and get a SLK aux fan. but as for part numbers...

-Fan module: A025 545 33 32 (this is a pricey item) x1.
-Connector housing to Fan module: A031 545 56 28 x1.
-Connector housing to Aux Fan: A031 545 55 28 (part number may not be good, this item is very difficult to find in the parts EPC. part number read off of connector) x1.
-Connector pins/Wires for fan module connector housing (small): A000 540 27 05 x2.
-Connector pins/Wires for fan module connector housing (large): A000 540 37 05 x 4.

and for a fan.. instead of from the dealer, since its rediculously expensive (close to $500.. I will get one from ebay.. looks identical).

12-18-2008, 07:17 PM
a while back i nailed a deer pretty hard, so new hood, fender, grill, bumperskin, headlights, corners, trim, and some plastic under the hood,,when it hit it flexed the radiator support back so the radiator pushed in and jacked upmy fan clutch, amazingly it put an inprint on the radiator but a year later it still doesnt leak, lol, but i removed the fan clutch and fan, the car still stays just as cool as before with the electric fans, but much better throttle responce!

mike mac
12-18-2008, 10:39 PM
ok, im confused...these electric fans are the 2 fans right behind the grill( when you open your hood) and the main fan is behind the radiator connected to the motor, so if i remove the engine fan( the big barf color fan) i would make more power right?

some people are saying something about an electric fan, so would i need to replace the big fan with an electric one and have my 2 mini radiator fans? or are my two mini radiator fans all i really need?

summers do get hot especially in traffic for my motor. my gauge goes above 80 so im kinda weary about this idea

12-19-2008, 01:36 PM
it sometimes gets to 110 here in upstate SC where I live, havnt had any issues with just the electric fans with my c 280, i thik my temp stays just above the 80 mark normally, even while having fun!

12-20-2008, 05:52 PM
can we do this on the C43? I noticed my buddy's 05 C55 has electric fan....

12-20-2008, 05:57 PM
Try it out, drive around the block a while,,,close to home, if it starts getting warm, get home, maybe you can do some research to see how many CFM your fans move compared to a C280 as well, I havnt a clue where to get the info though, if they are the same fans I wouldnt try it though.

12-21-2008, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by mike mac
ok, im confused...these electric fans are the 2 fans right behind the grill( when you open your hood) and the main fan is behind the radiator connected to the motor, so if i remove the engine fan( the big barf color fan) i would make more power right?

some people are saying something about an electric fan, so would i need to replace the big fan with an electric one and have my 2 mini radiator fans? or are my two mini radiator fans all i really need?

summers do get hot especially in traffic for my motor. my gauge goes above 80 so im kinda weary about this idea
No we are not talking about the electric fans behind the grill.. the fan we are talking about is connected to the water pump on the engine. all of our cars come with a viscous fan attached to the water pump, the whole idea is to remove the viscous fan and add in an electric. thus eliminating the extra rotating mass on the engine (freeing up some HP) more so getting better throttle response.
you would keep the 2 mini fans, but add a larger aux fan for the engine.

mike mac
12-21-2008, 07:32 PM
kk,thanks for clearing that up

12-25-2008, 11:29 AM
I almost did the electric too...but...
does removing the viscous really make that much difference?....i mean under most situations its almost free spooling,i would understand if it was direct drive=)

Also just because its electric doesnt mean it will be efficient in all situations...all you are doing is shifting the power loss from the water pump pully to the alternator which increases wear and tear on the electrical system...also be sure to check you dont exceed the alternator rating with the AC running=)

This is a hot topic on nearly all automotive sites...the outcome seems to be that both systems have there pros and cons...but both can do the job correctly if properly installed with adequate CFM and shrouding...

I like the idea that with my turbo setup there is always cool air being drawn in at slow speed/stop this keeps overall temps around the engine down.