View Full Version : Need Help Quick!!!

11-15-2007, 12:48 PM
Hey guys, I just got complete new exaust parts that Omey suggested for me a while back. I got a Magnaflow resegnator and muffler (14833) and a small Cat. Well i go to a muffler shop to have them install, and right when he raised the car up the guy "sighed". We looked at it and theres an O2 sensor that connects to the back the the stock Cat. And the new Cat doesnt have an opening for the O2 sensor to "plug" in. He said hes never seen this before and doesnt know what to do. I figured someone here would have to know cause its pretty much the same setup some of you guys have done. So here i am, asking for your advice once again. Anyone with any info, please help. I want to be able to put the parts on ASAP so any people that have any knowledge please reply. Thanks in advance. :D

11-15-2007, 06:12 PM
Its VERY simple, just tell them to weld in an O2 sensor bung after the cat somewhere, I don't see why this is such a big issue, any decent exhasut shop would not have even hesitated.

11-15-2007, 08:05 PM
Thankyou for responding Omey. Now if i went back there and told them to weld the "O2 sensor bug", they would know what im talking about? And when you said "after the cat" you mean anywhere behind the cat? Like in between the cat and the muffler? Thanks man :D

11-15-2007, 08:55 PM
if they dont know what you mean by weld a new o2 bung in, tell them to f-off and go somewhere where theres not goons working :rolleyes:
they should be able to source a new 02 bung(all it is is like a small threaded nut designed to be welded onto an exhaust pipe

you could probebly weld the bung in anwhere, but just make sure they weld it in close enough so the 02 cord reaches the bung, because the 02 cable isnt that long.

this is basically all it is:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/O2-Nut-Bung-Oxygen-Sensor-M18x1-5_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33634QQihZ006QQitemZ1 60178250156QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
they will just need to check the thread size, but i beleive o2 threads are basically universal

11-16-2007, 05:35 AM
Would a local auto shop like pepboys or autoparts have this adapter or should i just get it from ebay? thanks.

11-16-2007, 11:00 AM
You'd probably have better luck checking with Meineke. The problem is they give you a hard time about just purchasing parts and not having them installed.

11-16-2007, 12:28 PM
Yea i went to Autozone and pepboys after school and both of them said that they dont carry them and the only way i was probably going to get one is to have one made or get it online. So i am just ganna buy it off of ebay. C280nz is that part on the link you gave me ganna fit with my O2 sensor?? Thanks guys.

11-16-2007, 07:03 PM
im pritty sure its just a bosch one, with a standard thread, ill get back to you with thread size

11-17-2007, 07:02 AM
Thanks man. I really appreciate it.

11-17-2007, 02:15 PM
im pritty sure all the ones on ebay will fit,
just ask if they will fit a universal bosch o2 sensor,


there only like $5 and im 99% sure itl fit, (just get them to screw your o2 sensor into it first to make sure it fits before they weld it on to your exhaust, these are made mainly for exactly what your doing

11-17-2007, 03:56 PM
Thankyou very much i will let you know how it goes.