View Full Version : Noises From Auto Transmission

01-25-2008, 09:05 AM
my 1998 C180's auto box make a screech noise (sounds like metal on metal) when putting it into reverse and sometimes when putting it back into drive again. It does not do it with every change, but It does it mostly when the car is cold. The gears change fine when driving with no noises and it downshifts when i floor the pedal.

and ideas what the problem is?

There are 116000 miles on the clock


svt ricco
01-25-2008, 07:12 PM
you might wanna look for a rebuilt tranny... looks like you're gonna need it pretty soon

01-25-2008, 07:26 PM
You might also want to have a look at the transmission fluid, both the level as well as quality. When my transmission was shifting funky when cold, we found the fluid levels low. This was related to a very slow leak.

The fix was very expensive as the gasket in question required the tranny to be taken out. In the meantime adding fluids temporarily corrected the shifting issue. But unfortunately it only bought me so much time as the damage was already done and some clutch packs suffered due to the lack of lubrication.

At any rate, yes the real fix was to rebuild the tranny :(

01-26-2008, 08:06 AM
thanks for the replys. I went to see my mechanic today and apparently the noise is coming from the brakes not the gear box. The shoes make this noise and he says its a common and somewhat unfixable problem on all these 202s (he trained with a main MB dealer).

He says some new pads or lube will help. Good news really as I know a new box is €2000+