View Full Version : Garage Moisture

09-08-2008, 06:55 PM
Has anybody had experience with using a dehumidifier in their garage? I live in chicago and it gets humid in the summer and cold in the winter...not to mention the day/night temperature fluctuations during the sping and fall. I have a 1 car garage and I keep my 202 and her two wheeled crotch rocket buddy in the garage and I wanted to get some advise from anybody using of has used a dehumidifier with a situation similar as mine.

I dont want to see them rust before my eyes!!!!

Any input would help.


09-09-2008, 06:46 AM
It will work to pull out the humidity if you get one that has the right capacity and the place is fairly well sealed from drafts. You have to realize that each time you open the garage door, it has to start all over again at removing the humidity.

It can often be more efficient to buy a unit that is slightly larger than necessary. The cost to run it will be about the same as running a window air conditioner. They are loud and they produce heat. Make sure you get one that can operate down to low temperatures (very important and often overlooked) and that has a port to attach a hose so that you can run it to the floor drain (otherwise, you will have to empty the bucket often).

09-09-2008, 09:45 AM
Dehumidifying your garage will not be worth the effort. Keeping salt off your car will. Wash your car often during the winter, and you will be fine.

09-19-2008, 10:03 AM
xvvvz, Thank you for your input. I will have to do some research on de-humidifiers.

Stox, Don't get me started on the salt...half of the city's winter budget is for salt and they use all of it! Winter just sux.

I think it might be worth looking into for the summer months, with all the rain we've been having.

That kind of humidity can't be good (not just because of rusting)for a car or motorcycle because one of them will be in the garage at all times...sometimes for days.
