View Full Version : So i droped the 202 in to My Local Shop...

Section 8
10-08-2008, 05:42 PM
....there a local Mercedes Independent only work on benzes and they have treated me well and gave me great prices on everything... but i droped the 202 off in the morning and about 4 o clock i get the call.. and the list of stuff gone or going wrong in the near future.. is unbeleveable... and i cant notice a thing when i drive it apart from a few nigeles and slight noises.... i have a meeting with them tommorw there going to show me in detail al lthe problems and what i need to have done...but im seriusly thinking og a c230k or a c280.. i had this 180 since i just turned 18 and im 21 soon so its done me proud....
soem of the thigns he seid was that slight noise was something to do with a sway bar? suspension somthing nocking and my water pump is about to give up.. and i have a few leaks on about everything and my drivers side heaters dont work?? itimitien sometihng to do with a valve that opens when u turn the heat up..... i got the car for £1600 about 3K US its lasted nearly 3 years and i got it with 115K on the clock i now got 132K.. i dont know weather to pour posibly £1500 plus into the 1997 preupdate 202 which has served me well or save up and get a newer one ??? i cant decide il post back tommorw after i go down and asses the situation...

fuck i feel depressed

10-08-2008, 05:46 PM
Depends. If you are making the switch to save money, you probably wont because the newer one is more $, and, its not new anymore meaning....more $ to bring it up to par.

10-08-2008, 07:27 PM
take everthing cool off it and flick it on without spending any money on it and use the money to buy a new one plus whatever the fix was going to cost,

but half that stuff may not even need to be fixed, sounds an overkill to me,
dont agree to anything and come back an post up on here what he says first,
so every1 one can add there 2c and may save you in the long run

Section 8
10-08-2008, 07:58 PM
ok thanks for the input guys its really apriciated.... il have the meeting and il post up


and thanks

Section 8
10-09-2008, 04:46 PM
ok guys well i went down.. and the main guy who i have known for a while and he knows the car.. he showed me in detail.. all the problems im facing.... he had the car up on a ramp.. and the rear diff has a oil leak same goes for crank and front.. i also got a leak on top of the engine yall know what im talking aobut a lot of 202s I4s have it.. also my water pumps bearing has broken up and its hanging on by a thread i was drivign round in a time bomb :eek:... and the 2 gray things that controll the heating..(Duo Valve) well the drivers side was stuck on COLD and well i live in england u get the picture... oh and drivers side front ball joint was fucked... and the gearbox needs a new controll plate... driving around the only things i noticed was a tiny knocking from engine (water pump) the cold ar freezing me and the dodgy gear changes every know and then..... anyway he sat me down and priced all work done apart from the leaks (he seid they wasent a problem and was only "sweating" and the oil leavels where fine) this is including Labor cost and OG Mercedes Parts with a 2 year warrenty £1000 ($2000) i told him i wont be keeping it much longer as i was thinking of a new 202 in 6 months he adviced me if i where to do that that it would be a hell of a lot cheaper to use german patent parts.. i could pay half and it is half its like £450-550 instead of a £1000-1200.. and still have the near same quality and at least squeeze a few more years from the car... i only wanna have it a lil while longer... so i agreed.. as he guy is a friend and has looked after me for over 2 years... i pick it up tommorw.. i thaught it was relitivly cheap for al lthem problems to disapear over night for only 500 ($1000) what do you guys think????? its gonna be a c280 soon i might even get one sooner..
any way thaught apriciated


10-09-2008, 09:53 PM
thats not to bad,
seems a bit funny tho how first he tried to sell you the expensive parts? but at least u got cheaper parts in the end,
and yea water pumps are known to stuff out over time and so is ball joints,
these are parts u replace when they wear, no matter what type of car you have.
that stuck duo temp valve im not sure about, but sometimes you can just clean water valves,
but shit that bill ant to bad

Section 8
10-10-2008, 05:47 AM
Originally posted by c280nz
thats not to bad,
seems a bit funny tho how first he tried to sell you the expensive parts? but at least u got cheaper parts in the end,
and yea water pumps are known to stuff out over time and so is ball joints,
these are parts u replace when they wear, no matter what type of car you have.
that stuck duo temp valve im not sure about, but sometimes you can just clean water valves,
but shit that bill ant to bad

yea thats what i thaught... im glad he told the the price of merc parts then straight after told me aobut the patent parts.. and there prices gave me a option seems ima get my 6 months from the 132K mile 180 yet.. these cars are tanks i mean at 132k and 11 years old these things are alowed to go wrong... thnaks for input guys


Section 8
10-12-2008, 01:59 PM
i got it back and i had a handfull of other jobs oil, sparks, trottal cable.. ect and the car is liek brand new it pulls better drives, handels,, less noiser, im so glad i decided to keep it. it feels like a tank... ima very happy 202 owner

10-15-2008, 12:44 PM
I think for the price you did well and glad to hear you now want to keep the car. At least if you ever decide to sell it, it's been well repaired and would be worth more in a deal anyway. I like OEM but understand the need for other options from time to time. Enjoy your ride!

10-15-2008, 02:35 PM
like c280nz said , if your considering getting rid of it sell it now while everything is cool on it. usually with older cars you fix something , something else goes wrong . this way you'll get top dollar for it and apply it to something newer. IMO

10-26-2008, 10:22 PM
Glad you kept your car you really don't know what problems you'll encounter buying another used car & paying more for that used car. It's like "out of the frying pan in to the fire" thing.

97 C230
95 C220
94 C280
98 ML320