View Full Version : Switchback LED's

05-09-2011, 05:53 PM
So I just got some headlights and the crystal clear corners
I am probably going to get these LED for the turn signal lights.
Their called SwitchBacks basically their white and when you hit the turn signal they turn amber. Pretty good idea I suppose.
Heres a link from eBay that I will purchase from.

Ill take some pics when complete.

Law Rens
05-10-2011, 10:22 AM
Ooh, i was actually looking into these a year back as well. $40 per tower seems a little bit expensive though, no? Autolumination has them for $20 if i recall correctly, but it's been a while. You also may need to splice in resistors to prevent that superflashing that naturally tends to occur.

05-10-2011, 12:42 PM
I saw that but im confused about the slicing part. Is it self explanatory once I get the parts?

05-10-2011, 12:44 PM
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2-Load-Resistors-LED-Bulbs-Turn-Signal-Lights-Flash-Fix-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem20b8e091caQQitemZ14054 0678602QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccesso ries

These will work?

05-10-2011, 02:15 PM
The link in that auction gives a pretty good explanation of what it will take to install.
I think you also should keep in mind that they should be sized for what you are replacing. If you are replacing a 10W bulb then a 50W resistor might be too much. The resistance in the circuit is measured and if it is not within a certain range, you'll get the idiot light on your dash telling you a bulb is out.

05-10-2011, 02:49 PM
interesting I will keep that in mind. I am still waiting on my parts to arrive. I wonder how the installation process will go with my projectors.. I am bound to run into the 4 pin and 5 pin issue almost certainly. I will let yall know how it goes. Ill take some pics for a DIY as well.

10-25-2011, 01:14 AM
i like the sound of this, but how do i run this on a UK english spec car?

03-21-2012, 11:35 PM
I am gonna have different lights instead of the normal green that usually is on.what is the size Led Light Accessories (http://www.ledstrips8.com/led-light-accessories-c-18.html) LED Controllers (http://www.ledstrips8.com/led-controllers-c-20.html) LED Power Supplies (http://www.ledstrips8.com/led-controllers-c-20.html) of the LEDs i need and where can i get them online,i need them bright also but not to bright.I need a site where they sell em becuase i am gonna purchase alot

05-25-2012, 12:27 AM
i was wondering what to wire the postivte and neg ends to, of a high density led (http://www.ledstrips8.com/flexible-led-strip-lighting-high-density-singlechip-flexible-led-strips-c-32_34.html). i want to have a Flexible LED Strip Lights (http://www.ledstrips8.com/flexible-led-strip-lights-c-32.html)
look simlar to the audi r8, and can i wire them into the lights cords to pick up the 12volts and have them turn on and off with my led strip (http://www.ledstrips8.com/)

05-25-2012, 09:26 AM
i was wondering what to wire the postivte and neg ends to, of a led light strip. i want to have a headlight look simlar to the audi r8, and can i wire them into the lights cords to pick up the 12volts and have them turn on and off with my lights

Please don't... it'll look terrible and cheap without custom housings for each individual LED on the strip, not to mention a Mercedes from the 90s cannot pull of the look of a car 15 years newer than itself.

05-25-2012, 12:38 PM
I have the switch back bulbs on my car. I love em

05-27-2012, 02:39 PM
i wonder how the switchback LEDs work on my car...

07-11-2012, 09:27 PM
We need a DIY on this one