View Full Version : Upsolute Chip C230 NA

10-17-2003, 06:42 PM
Hi everyone, I just got an email from Upsolute and they told me that they do have one for my car!

The email had a dyno graph with it, unfortunatly it didn't open well, I assume I got an incomplete file or something...

anyways I've requested that they resend me the dyno graph, hopefully this is something good!

BTW, if anyone installed this chip on 98 C230 or one with same engine, please let me know what u thought about it!

10-18-2003, 10:28 AM
I have that chip in my car!!! BUT....I am not the one that installed it, it was the dealership that I bought the car from, that installed it. One of the employees was going to keep the car for himself so he put the chip in it. I can tell you, it does make a difference though in our N/A C230's.

10-18-2003, 11:31 AM
I think the powerchip from powerchipgroup.com makes a chip, but i dont know if they make one for the C230 N/A, I inquired about one for my late C36 and he said it was gunna be 840.00.

10-18-2003, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by jnolte
I think the powerchip from powerchipgroup.com makes a chip, but i dont know if they make one for the C230 N/A, I inquired about one for my late C36 and he said it was gunna be 840.00.

Sheesh! $840, that's too much!

something is wrong with my email (none of the pictures I get work), I'll try to get the dyno graph some other way...

10-18-2003, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by CountSologub
Sheesh! $840, that's too much!

Well hey its not a Honda mang!!!!!;)

10-30-2003, 10:33 PM
right, but knowing that I keep this car and not getting SLK cause I need a sedan to take clients in..... not worth it to me....

btw their rep didn't contact me yet, oh well

10-31-2003, 06:41 AM

To the best of my knowledge, upsolute will give you a good 10hp and about the same amount of torque for $500. Powerchip also quoted me around the same price for about the same gain.

Good luck to you.

10-31-2003, 05:01 PM
hmm....... maybe I should then... thnx for info...

btw I'm currently looking into trading my car for 00 230k sport. My car surved me well, but I'm just feeling the need for a change... but we will see, several things to think over first...