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View Full Version : c230k starter motor replacement

01-22-2013, 03:36 AM
Any tips guys on how to remove a starter motor from a 1996 c230k (right hand drive) without the use of a hydraulic ramp?

Ive tried jacking the car up onto axle stands and I can undo the bottom bolt on the starter without any issues but cant even see the top bolt!

I can feel it with my fingers whilst lying under the car and can just about get a socket and flexi onto it but its in such an awkward place and so close to the bulkhead that I cand get the ratchet handle to turn at all :(

Any tips before I have to get it towed to the garage and pay them to do it?

01-22-2013, 11:41 AM
94 C220 - I think I actually managed it from the top using a universal and a extension or two. I do remember that it was a pain to get at.

01-22-2013, 11:57 AM
I did have a look at it from the top but can hardly even see it because of the manifold. Ill have another look at it at the weekend but the bolt head seems really close to the bulkhead so not sure how id get a socket in from above?