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View Full Version : vixen has survived a terrible ordeal.

01-24-2013, 08:52 PM
Hey guys,

I figured I'd update you on vixen (my black 280)'s status. At first, I thought the insurance company was going to total out my 202 and offer me a total payout, taking my car. But nope! Wasn't the case at all. The adjuster (and the bodyshop) made the decision that the car wasn't worth repairing, but I should be issued a check for damages. At first I was going to be receiving a decent check of almost 3k, but unfortunately my car is salvage and the claims adjuster determined that there had been bodywork done to the vehicle that was done at substandard industry levels. What this had to do with the current damages to my car is beyond me, but I am thankful I am at least getting something to fix my car a little bit. I'm getting a check for around 1500

Some of the damaged parts were my ebay projector headlights, grille, hood and bumper. I decided just so I could drive the car for now I'd put back on my stock headlights and stock grille insert. Just so the stock grille didn't look so out of place, I plastidipped it and it doesn't look too bad at all compared to the avantgarde one I had on there that got damaged. My stock bosch headlamp assemblies have PIAA Ultra Plasma bulbs in the lowbeams so the light output for now is pretty decent. I yanked out the HID's because the bulb type in the stock assembly is different in the damaged aftermarket headlights than it is in the stock assemblies (help as to what the stock lowbeam one is please, I forget?) but I have plans to put them back in once I know what the stock bulb is and I'll get them hooked up shortly.

There is a BMW/Mercedes pick and pull not far from where I live, hopefully I can find a black hood and bumper.

A third option I MIGHT do is the damage is so negligible even though it's there I might just leave it as is and take the 1500k check I'm going to get and slam my 202 on coilovers. Dunno yet.



This was a pic of how it looked when I received it unrepaired from the bodyshop today. As you can see, the damage is more personally annoying than devastatingly undriveable. However, it is just not my style to drive a car with a messed up front bumper and buckled hood. You can't see it from the pic, but the hood is buckled pretty bad. It'll stay shut and secure while driving but it doesn't sit flush anymore.

01-25-2013, 08:00 AM
Definitely take your time scouring the salvage yards as you should be able to largely get the car back together for the settlement price. You might be able to get away with just a bumper skeleton in front as the painted portion looks okay. Too bad my front bumper got messed up in almost the exact same place otherwise I would donate to the cause. Good luck.

01-26-2013, 10:47 AM
Insurance gnomes ripped you off bigtime! Only $1500! You probably paid that much
in premiums over just a couple of years. I'd have sued 'em.

01-26-2013, 03:18 PM
Vixen_w202 had a SALVAGE title timmyj51....that lowers the value of any car....

01-26-2013, 04:22 PM
For 1,500 smackers!! That be more than enought to replace bumper and a hood!! I replaced the 2 piece front bumper on mine for around $80 thru the local salvage yard. A hood might be in the range of 150-250, if even that much. With cash to spare while you be dabaling in a beemer and merc salvage yard some good parts are bound to pop up. Slam it??? If you run across a amg c43 or equvalant. Check into some brembo brakes. Any performace mods are a plus. I'd kill to have a merc bone yard close by. Good luck!! Keep us posted.

01-27-2013, 09:35 AM
i got a brand new hood for $112 had to drive all the way down to the border basically.

01-27-2013, 10:26 AM
Dude, you still got ripped off! The law's very clear: if the insurance suits say your car is totalled you're entitled to having it replaced, or the
cost of having it replaced, just like the car you have. Same year, model, style, mileage, condition, etc. If it was in good condition you're entitled to another car in good condition, same mileage, etc. Can you buy another car just like yours for $1500? Salvage?
Go to a salvage yard and ask what they'd give you for the car. Lucky if you get five hundred bucks. The insurance suits tried to lowball
me when my old '93 190E was totalled by a semi. I checked all the auto sites (Autotrader, Car Soap, etc) and couldn't find anyone selling my
car (same year, style, mileage, condition) for under three grand so that's what I got from the gnomes. You let the suits push you around, like they do
everyone else. As for repairs: I doubt putting in a new hood is going to do it. The whole front end of the car has been knocked out of alignment. Put on a
new hood and it still won't close like it should. Consumer law should be a required course in every high school in the county.