View Full Version : heres my specter intake i just fitted

06-10-2013, 04:46 AM
I just fitted my specter intake kit I had off my jeep onto my 00" c230k
it has
** 2 rubber gromits
a *90degree bend
and the *long metal shaft autozone sells
now I did have some modifying on the intake due to my 4.0 not having hood clearance but you should be fine on the 230
I have at the inlet a rubber spacer with the inside ring in place that I shortend due to the jeep clearance
I think a ""o<O <~rubber ring would work (the one that has a smaller side and goes to a larger side )

then I have a shorter 90degree bend that was cut lower and I made tightening slits on it (where you cut ___ that much into the plastic so you wont shatter it when you tighten it if shortend)
then I have the long 45degree pipe they sell that's METAL its like ( ---\ ) then with a new filter

I have the vacuum line with a breather filter (you will need to find a smaller inlet for it or a smaller pipe that can be shoved into both sides will work with another clamp on the motor sides )

and finally I just have the dump valve alone for now hence there is never any vacuum on it it will only blow out I checked with the old hand infront and wait for it to slap the thing if vacuum

06-10-2013, 04:58 AM
ill post ain depth video when my phone gets charged also this will cost you less than $100$

John Jones Jr.
06-10-2013, 05:26 AM
Very good there Vaspen. I considered doing the same, even have a good cone filter for the job but I decided against it as my current set up (drilled lower air box front, 14 x 1/2'' holes & a K&N filter) generates enough noise already. Next step maybe to drill out the exterior trim panel between the head light and bumper and fitting some wire mesh behind it.

06-10-2013, 05:32 AM
yea its oooh so loud sounds like a big boy s.c now:) its a 3in main inlet but the intercooler tubing is still same so I don't throw any codes and it lets a lot more air in I mean a serius power gain from this little mod

06-13-2013, 04:55 PM
not sure if you guys seen mine
http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z125/Deslogic/carsintakeandfamilypic053.jpg (http://s189.photobucket.com/user/Deslogic/media/carsintakeandfamilypic053.jpg.html)
http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z125/Deslogic/carsintakeandfamilypic022-1.jpg (http://s189.photobucket.com/user/Deslogic/media/carsintakeandfamilypic022-1.jpg.html)
http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z125/Deslogic/carsintakeandfamilypic051-1.jpg (http://s189.photobucket.com/user/Deslogic/media/carsintakeandfamilypic051-1.jpg.html)

06-13-2013, 07:31 PM
on mine its close I just need to fit the dump valve eather in a( forced recirculation ) setup or a vent with filter and by forced I mean with a longer tube welded kindof like yours but aimed back into the intake so there is technically no boost loss know what I mean ?

07-05-2013, 09:35 AM

07-05-2013, 07:37 PM
Nice hot air intake.

07-05-2013, 09:11 PM
ikr ? but I actualy have it aimed near the little inlet in the front,
so It dosnt actualy get that hot and I did notice actual performance gain from it
besides I plan to pop rivet the hood soon so all that hot air leaves faster and redo a better flow of cold into the bay and faster hot out of it
(I don't care id I have to fit those Subaru rivets on as long as there functional :)

07-05-2013, 11:28 PM
It would be a wise move to return the crank case breather into the intake so that bypass gasses are quickly removed when under power!,it also gets rid of any oily smells =)

07-06-2013, 04:11 AM
I believe that usualy runs on vac most of the time thoe
once I find a hose or rubber fitment that I can mate it back up with the intake I will

07-06-2013, 11:42 AM
yea its oooh so loud sounds like a big boy s.c now:) its a 3in main inlet but the intercooler tubing is still same so I don't throw any codes and it lets a lot more air in I mean a serius power gain from this little mod

How much HP do you think youve gained?

07-06-2013, 01:50 PM
I believe that usualy runs on vac most of the time thoe

That's correct, generally more so as RPM increases. The other part of the PCV system is under the intake manifold where bypass gasses are drawn from an oil separator on the case, this portion has a check valve and ~1mm restrictions between the inlet runners,thus only works when there is a vaccum in the plenum.

The part you have disconnected is for when the engine is under power, its a good thing to have connected to the intake as it helps against moisture and contaminants diluting your oil.

07-07-2013, 08:21 AM
well as long as you keep a light foot it will use vacume more because of throttle restriction
on air into the cyclinders until you place so much on the throttle to create boost

as for power gains you can call it a hot air box all day long.. WHATEVER, as long as you have the filter
in a place where you can focus it more on cooler flow than sucking in hot air you can gain a little bit of power (id say about 5-8?)

now mind you this was mocked up for my 97 Cherokee 6cyl with the shaft shortened by 5 inches lol and the bend shorter also I might get another peace of pipe to extend the filter down lower
(on my jeep I gained atleast 10hp by how restrictive the BOX was)
not all manufacturers spend time on making the air boxes efficient, Mercedes however did make a good box but they made it quiet and gear heads hate that when s.c'ed

also the main rule in flow efficiency is that the less bends there are the smoother it will be thus less restriction a lot of ppl forget that

09-22-2013, 10:26 PM
finnaly got it down by that "foglight" spot and yea its a lot cooler and runs better with a long intake

also got a boost gauge hooked up temp and 5 is usual boost and 7 is floored time for a few pully mods

09-23-2013, 08:57 AM
you mean to tell me that your body can feel a 10HP increase .... ? What proof of the power increase is there ? I dont believe these "serious power gains" Somewhere on the interwebz I have seen a video completely debunking intake systems, they tested a few different ways. on the dyno and found that there were no real gains. in fact they loss power. They gained 7 hp with the filter ran completely outside the car. you're pretty much just throwing your money away. The conclusion of the test was that there will be no gains that you will actually be able to feel. These cheap intakes were not designed better than the airbox that mercedes R&D spent hundreds and thousands of dollars developing.


John Jones Jr.
09-23-2013, 12:37 PM
not designed better than the airbox that mercedes R&D spent hundreds and thousands of dollars developing.

I'd be very surprised if some modified air take systems are not better than the original manufacturers (especially on higher powered engines), after all the original is nearly always a compromise between getting air in and noise. Now, the likes of a M111 Kompressor engine is much noisy without the original air box as compared to a non Kompressor M111, so it would be fair to presume that M-B had to compromise on the Kompressor air intake design. If that's the case, a better air intake design (excluding noise damping) should benefit engine breathing and power.

09-23-2013, 02:21 PM
My intake with K&N filter runs into the stock AMG air box bottom. Only reason I have one is because it makes the 3.6 sound like pure sex...

09-23-2013, 06:30 PM
ok as I said before some manufacures take time to make a legit intake while some make crappy ones like the 1997 jeep Cherokee 4.0 I had it went from no peel outs to being able to peel out agen .. you cant tell me that didn't make a difference.. same day same temps.. hot..
these gains there talking about that say they gain 10 hp it may be on a motor that isn't installed thus the gain they claim my be at the crank, and only help oh so little by the time the power transfers to the wheels.. there is a major loss of power in the transmission and rear
I wached that long ago, notice, there not testing every car made ?? not all intakes are equal I don't see them dynoing a c230 komp do you?
I said that gain for my JEEP FELT like it picked up 10 hp I never said it actualy did there is no dyno near me to tell also I did move the filter down below and I know I did pick up hp with it (because its like 40degrees out haha ) but the new setup is keeping the piping cooler so I know that's good my next upgraid is planning on a compleat intercooler swap with tubing the one on there is dinky lol

09-24-2013, 08:26 AM
ok as I said before some manufacures take time to make a legit intake while some make crappy ones like the 1997 jeep Cherokee 4.0 I had it went from no peel outs to being able to peel out agen .. you cant tell me that didn't make a difference.. same day same temps.. hot..
these gains there talking about that say they gain 10 hp it may be on a motor that isn't installed thus the gain they claim my be at the crank, and only help oh so little by the time the power transfers to the wheels.. there is a major loss of power in the transmission and rear
I wached that long ago, notice, there not testing every car made ?? not all intakes are equal I don't see them dynoing a c230 komp do you?
I said that gain for my JEEP FELT like it picked up 10 hp I never said it actualy did there is no dyno near me to tell also I did move the filter down below and I know I did pick up hp with it (because its like 40degrees out haha ) but the new setup is keeping the piping cooler so I know that's good my next upgraid is planning on a compleat intercooler swap with tubing the one on there is dinky lol

They don't have to test every make and model to debunk the fact that those autozone air filters are garbage and a waste of time and money. with no substantial gains, and no gains that you're actually going to feel. P.S. nothing personal but your grammar is terrible and you cant spell.

09-24-2013, 09:35 PM
yea I know .. haha but what eveas aslong as you get the point :P
and some people will spend the money for just that 1 hp man it just depends on what your after me? every little ounce I can squeeze :3

10-03-2013, 08:08 PM
I wish I could have done a before and after dyno on mine to see what actually gains a did or did not get when I did mine. I m in mine about 500 then I could say or basically give true facts on this topic

10-02-2015, 04:34 PM
Update I may have found a solution for cheap as far as hooking up the vdo to the intake
I was looking at bov adapters witch will work but I can't find any with a larger tube attached
However I ran across my zx6e ninja header to carb adapter and it's virtually a bov flange just rubber and won't need welded up to the intake just some nifty Lowe's piping lol

99 zx6e intake
http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/151788258188?ul_noapp=true&ul_ref=http%253A%252F%252Frover.ebay.com%252Frover %252F1%252F711-117182-37290-0%252F2%253Fmtid%253D1588%2526kwid%253D1%2526crlp% 253D53601919689_324272%2526itemid%253D151788258188 %2526targetid%253D147250965849%2526rpc%253D0.16%25 26rpc_upld_id%253D55733%2526rlsatarget%253Dkwd-147250965849%2526device%253Dm%2526mpre%253Dhttp%25 253A%25252F%25252Fwww.ebay.com%25252Fulk%25252Fitm %25252Flike%25252F151788258188%25253Flpid%25253D82 %252526chn%25253Dps%2526adtype%253Dpla%2526loc%253 D9006715%2526poi%253D%2526campaignid%253D239125209 %2526adgroupid%253D14978428809%2526gclid%253DCNrAo sqGpcgCFUYUHwodzs0IUQ%2526srcrot%253D711-117182-37290-0%2526rvr_id%253D905417506907&chn=ps&lpid=82

10-02-2015, 04:36 PM
Update I may have found a solution for cheap as far as hooking up the vdo to the intake
I was looking at bov adapters witch will work but I can't find any with a larger tube attached
However I ran across my zx6e ninja header to carb adapter and it's virtually a bov flange just rubber and won't need welded up to the intake just some nifty Lowe's piping lol

99 zx6e intake
http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/151788258188?ul_noapp=true&ul_ref=http%253A%252F%252Frover.ebay.com%252Frover %252F1%252F711-117182-37290-0%252F2%253Fmtid%253D1588%2526kwid%253D1%2526crlp% 253D53601919689_324272%2526itemid%253D151788258188 %2526targetid%253D147250965849%2526rpc%253D0.16%25 26rpc_upld_id%253D55733%2526rlsatarget%253Dkwd-147250965849%2526device%253Dm%2526mpre%253Dhttp%25 253A%25252F%25252Fwww.ebay.com%25252Fulk%25252Fitm %25252Flike%25252F151788258188%25253Flpid%25253D82 %252526chn%25253Dps%2526adtype%253Dpla%2526loc%253 D9006715%2526poi%253D%2526campaignid%253D239125209 %2526adgroupid%253D14978428809%2526gclid%253DCNrAo sqGpcgCFUYUHwodzs0IUQ%2526srcrot%253D711-117182-37290-0%2526rvr_id%253D905417506907&chn=ps&lpid=82