View Full Version : Mercedes-Benz Seat Towels

01-04-2015, 08:16 PM
Bought a pair of these things from Pelican Parts. they arrived a few days ago and I must say...



Buyer beware, these things may look nice and feel nice, but every time we get in and out of the car they look like this. Tried tucking them into the crase between the horizonal and vertical seat parts to tighten it but no avail. These things are a pain in the ass. Save you money and buy actual seat covers. that is going to be the next agenda.

Any suggestions on what company to use?

01-05-2015, 04:35 AM
can you return them and complaint to pelican parts?

i use mechanics seat covers they are made of vinyl plastics, had them on my car for 10 years now, i' happy with them, although i have to adjust them on lower seat part when i get in or get out of the car.
they have protected my leather seats for 10 years now which is good.
left side bolster takes the most damage entering/exiting the car, it's getting rips and cracks in the leather if you don't have covers.
have to often use protective leather conditioner to keep it soft where it wears the most