View Full Version : ok so heres a stall converter question

03-11-2015, 05:29 PM
I would be more happy with this car if I could get more punch out of the gate I feel a higher stall would help
whats the lock up lvl on the stock converter
im shooting for around 3000rpm at most
is there anything special about the converter ?
I have no idea as far as Mercedes converter im shure they all use the same tech
just the teeth on the transmission side need to mate to the tranny
also any idea on the s class 722.6 trannys that suposidly can handle 800 hp

I believe this would help as I can launch with more power currently I hit 1900 and the rears break loose and im hard on the brakes still

any advice ??

03-11-2015, 05:50 PM
sorry if im breaking any rules found these guys any opinions ? they sell a high stall converter

03-11-2015, 11:50 PM
Heat kills automatic transmission life. It is cut in half with every 20* increase in operating temp over normal OEM range ( which is probably around 175-185*.)

Running under a stall speed will create excessive heat. You will have to always make sure you are at or above stall speed when cruising.

03-12-2015, 05:32 AM
So I should do a 2500 stal. With a trans cooler , that would be the better way if I ordered a higher stall, I only drive 7 miles one way a day to work all under 50mph I like to hole shot it from stop sign to sign every now and then

03-12-2015, 10:10 AM
I wouldn't in my car. Its a personal choice. There's no creeping in traffic with a 2500 stall. Errr-wam...errr-wam. Of or on. High rpms. I personally would never put a stall on any street driven car.

You don't necessarily need to answer this,but, have you ever driven a car with a high stall?

03-12-2015, 12:30 PM
only seen em at the tracks aside from my one friend who has a 2nd gen Camaro
ok so another option would be to go manual but ive only ever seen 1 stick 230k in usa and he inported everything from over seas

been looking into it a hair more the power band on our cars come into play at 2500 if im not mistaken (correct me if im wrong )
m.b has it to engage below that for practicality so if I goto a converter shop (there is a guy near me that dose these )
I firmly believe m.b under shot the rpm just for reliability on the tranny and more practicality "

if anyone can chime in on the stock lock up speed on the converter that would be good so I know where I can start
I mean oem replacement is 300$ so hell ... if I do up the lock up speed to 2600 I will be installing a external tranny cooler and temp gauge
(on the pillar with a boost and a.f meter )

03-12-2015, 02:25 PM
Sell that thing and buy a C43. Your never going to be pleased with a C230 unless u dump thousands on turbo ect.

03-12-2015, 03:22 PM
^I did actually find a c36 amg for 7 thousand but I don't have the money for that lol
nor credit so im stuck with this 230 k
SO... this converter can I install a lock up switch aswell
im also going to buy the euro charged tune after this t.a is paid for I just want a little more out of my daily

03-12-2015, 06:34 PM
A stall converter on that will only destroy your transmission. Who cares if its like an on/off switch- its still slow!!

Look for a Kleemann or some other pulley to up the boost, be sure to get a tune to compensate fuel and timing.

03-12-2015, 06:52 PM
Only without additional cooling
I do plan on shorting the pulley to 88mm
and someday getting the asp pulley

03-12-2015, 06:58 PM
Even with additional cooling it will Granade. They Granade fast enough as it is! Slamming the clutch drums all day, it will blow up in less then 400 miles

03-13-2015, 05:23 AM
Any idea on how much the rebuild costs for the heavy duty internals?
They did use the 722.6 in higher end models too right?
I don't know either my daily gets faster for cheap or I'm trading it foR a 84 vette that needs cosmetics

03-13-2015, 09:19 AM
A rebuild can end up costing more then what the car is worth nowadays. You can purchase a reman unit but none the less, slamming it constantly will kill it

03-13-2015, 09:21 AM
You can swap a 5-speed manual from an SLK for around $1200 in parts. That will give you the most control over drivetrain but still, your not going to gain anything in power.

03-13-2015, 12:19 PM
Hmm never thought of using a slk tranny that's a really good alternative I just want more feel out of it and a stick would help
p.s the vette was a pos so I'm keeping my Benz
where could I pick up a tranny out of one ,master and slave fit good ? Any ecu issues I would need to worry about

03-13-2015, 12:51 PM
On a 2000' 202 the trans tunnel will need a small bit of modification but nothing you couldn't do yourself,

Other then that, it's all bolt in stuff.

Ecu can be recoded. Or hang the shifter module off the side until its time for smog, then pay to have etc coded out. But you can drive around with the shifter module to the side of the seat or stuff it into the arm box.

03-13-2015, 01:35 PM
Where I live it's just visual inspection no sniffers in my county
Where would I be able to have it recoded

edit _
I give where the hell can I find the 6 speed or 5 speed m/t from the slk lol
I would ring up the stealer but out here at sunmotors there !@#$! idiots

03-13-2015, 07:11 PM

Changing the variant coding will get rid on the check engine light. I assume your inspection wants that to be taken care of, if not, you are a lucky dog.

03-14-2015, 05:07 AM
They could care less because I know I do my own :p hehe BUT it's my car so I want it done right and I've been digging on eBay most I've seen is like 3 or 4 of em and they say manual but look auto
do you know what the casing is called ?
Say like how the auto is the nag1 or 722.6? What's tha m/t's name

03-14-2015, 07:18 AM

The nag 1,2,3 is just the valve body.

03-14-2015, 08:50 AM
It's the best name for a transmission though... Nag.. Lol
can a stealership or eurocharged reprogram it?

03-14-2015, 12:26 PM
Dealer should have no problem.

03-15-2015, 09:03 AM
Msged the guy from sunmotors just waiting back as it's Sunday
these ppl at this dealership are ....incompetent they couldn't diagnose a bad maf on my car because they said I had aftermarket intake and exhaust..