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View Full Version : C43 brakes on C280/230

12-02-2003, 08:40 AM
I was reading the thread about C32 brake kit on W202, and was just thinking...

would it be of much benifit for W202 C230/280 to use C43 brakes as a big brake kit? would it be cost effective to do so? also what are the size differences (some pics would be great)... also what wheels would be needed to clear those?

12-02-2003, 08:55 AM
On thread c32 front brakes on a w202 (http://www.club202.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=228&perpage=15&pagenumber=2) go about half way down. J Irwan has already answered that question for you.

I would imagine 17" wheels would be min for this setup.

J Irwan
12-02-2003, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by CountSologub
I was reading the thread about C32 brake kit on W202, and was just thinking...

would it be of much benifit for W202 C230/280 to use C43 brakes as a big brake kit? would it be cost effective to do so? also what are the size differences (some pics would be great)... also what wheels would be needed to clear those?

Please do a search

I have posted more than one cost benefit

C43 (ATE 2 piston sliding caliper with 2 pc 13.1" disc) brake component will cost you at the ballpark $1300 , while C32 (Brembo 4 piston fixed caliper with 1 pc 13.6" disc) brake can be had at the ballpark of $600


12-02-2003, 07:57 PM
So those C32 brakes will work on my C43?

I am going to the dealer tommorow so please answer ASAP.

J Irwan
12-02-2003, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by speedybenz
So those C32 brakes will work on my C43?

I am going to the dealer tommorow so please answer ASAP.

yes Jeff, but remember that the bleeder screw will be on the bottom..

if you want it , you can have mine..
I am still selling it, since It won't fit my 18" mono wheel.

let me know.
