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View Full Version : c180 esprite white NEED HELP!

12-05-2003, 03:10 AM
i've just aquired a 1995 c180 esprite white mercedes.. :) (blue sports interior, black bumpers and strip..)

so at the moment the car is very bland and i'm looking to do it up.. however i've always kept my cars stock so i'm unfamiliar with bodykits, mag wheels, lowering springs etc..

what i planned to do was get a written off C180 classic (they have the nicer white stripe and bumpers, nice leather interior and electric windows) - strip the insides and make the ride more comfy..

what i wanted to know though, has anyone ever done up a c180 esprite, and how did they over come those annoying black bumpers and strip?

any advice would be appreciated.. if anyone has a white c class they have done up i'd love to see pictures.. i've always favoured black in cars.. (i'd love my car to look like pnsji's) white would be a welcome change though..


Renn 208
12-05-2003, 08:50 AM
There's a wealth of information already available, so feel free to keep browsing through club 202, or use that handy search function if there's something in particular that you're looking for.

That should cover much of the wheel, suspension, and other dress up items that may interest you. If you're looking for something specific to the C180 engine, the member Koolvin would be a great person to talk to. He's most easily found at http://www.mbclub.co.uk, but he's on most of the forums.

If after searching through everything and you still have questions, post away! That way we can all learn from your experience!

Oh, and welcome to:
