View Full Version : The Best Chip

12-29-2003, 11:18 PM
I know people on this forum have been purchasing performance chips for their cars, and i know this ahas been discussed before, but i just want to know about peoples opinions and experiences through time with the chips they purchased. Do these really make a diffenerence in performance? Is it worth how much you pay for them? Do you lose mpg? Has anyone had problems with them?


12-29-2003, 11:46 PM
Try Doin a search, i know Tuning chips have been brought up before.

But there are Upsolute and Powerchips many others too.

I think j Irwan has a Powerchip and he says it gives more power. I emailed Powerchip awhile ago for my C36 and they quoted me 850.00, i wouldent think u would lose MPG more like gain, except for the fact u would problay be flooring it everywhere to feel that extra umph from the chip;)

12-30-2003, 12:20 AM
I know that this isnt really on topic, but I gotta give you props. I dont know how you are on top of this forum all the time. I think thats some skill. Just had to say it.

12-30-2003, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by cian36n
I know that this isnt really on topic, but I gotta give you props. I dont know how you are on top of this forum all the time. I think thats some skill. Just had to say it.

LOL, thanks, i dont know if it is a good thing tho, i guess with my lisence suspended i get bored on the weekdays.

01-01-2004, 06:14 PM
GIAC shows impressive dyno sheets on their website

but a lot of $$$


01-01-2004, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by cian36n
I know that this isnt really on topic, but I gotta give you props. I dont know how you are on top of this forum all the time. I think thats some skill. Just had to say it. Mang...i remember when Jnolte first joint this site...;) he have knowing nothing about the w202 till now gain lots more the knowledge where its making me (Jnolte's pimp) proud! :D

01-01-2004, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by MBATF
Mang...i remember when Jnolte first joint this site...;) he have knowing nothing about the w202 till now gain lots more the knowledge where its making me (Jnolte's pimp) proud! :D

Yes i dident know shiz about a benz! LOL, there is still ALOT that i dont know yet though and cant wait to learN! but thanks David Mbatf!!!

01-01-2004, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by jnolte
Yes i dident know shiz about a benz! LOL, there is still ALOT that i dont know yet though and cant wait to learN! but thanks David Mbatf!!! man no problem, remmeebr i told u loooong time ago, as long as u calm down a little, and take easy we will always welcome u here! and now u r getting much better then where u were first here! wize man(me) said once " learn from ur mistake, or from others" :D

01-02-2004, 06:34 AM
See my reduced price for a C36 Powerchip