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01-03-2004, 11:05 AM
do you think they would allow me to get a body kit instead of a stock bumper for my car.. Cause i crashed my c280 when it was snowing, and the whole front bumper and part of the hood is messed up. . So just wondering, instead of stock can i get a body kit?

01-03-2004, 11:11 AM
ask them for repair check and tell them that u will use taht money to go some where else to get it fix. firend did taht before, but not sure if it will work

01-03-2004, 11:49 AM
Yeah, they should be able to pay for it. I had a buddy with a Civic EX and he crashed it. When he went to the body shop they put a SI front end on his car and insurance paid for it.

01-03-2004, 01:13 PM
My freinds audi got jacked when it was all stock. His stock rims, seats all windows broken. ANd he asked for the check and got Axis rims, H&R drop, Sparco seats and a systeM!

01-04-2004, 12:41 PM
Just don't tell them what you are planning to do. Just tell them that you want them to send you the check and don't authorize the body shop that did the estimate to have it sent to them. Once you get the check you can do whatever you want with it.

01-04-2004, 03:21 PM
so basically im gonna goto a body shop, get a estimate on my messed up car, then goto insurance company and ask for a check?? aren't they gonna check up on the car and see if got it fixed... cause if they do then they will find out that i did an insurance fraud and that wouldn't be to good. ..

plus i was thinking about just going to a decent body shop and ask if they could make the body change? goood idea or not?

01-04-2004, 06:22 PM
To my knowledge it's not ins fraud (check laws in your state.) The ins company doesn't have any stake in your vehicle. You have paid them to insure you against your loss. If they comp you for the cost of the damage then they have done what you have contracted with them to do. Whether you fix the car or junk it and keep the money doesn't matter to them.

What would get you into trouble for ins fraud is if you were to submit two claims for the same damage on the same policy. i.e. If you had an accident, reported a claim, received a settlement, did not fix the car, and then tried to report the same damage on another claim against the same policy when you have already been compensated. That is not what we are saying here.

If it makes you feel better, call the ins commissioners office in your state and ask them. The only reason that I recommended that you not talk to the ins company about it is that they may try to prey on your ignorance (no offense) and wiggle out of paying you as much as they should. That is not ethical, and not all ins companies would do such a thing, but there are some....

At this point I feel the need to make the following disclaimer:

This opinion is expressed only for its entertainment and discussionary value and is in no way legal council or intended to represent fact or to incite a particular action. I am not an attorney nor am I affiliated with any insurance company or governing body. This information is presented without warranty and should not be acted upon without seeking formal council regarding the information contained herein.