View Full Version : Ramair Maxflow air filter and Eisenmann exhaust

01-13-2004, 02:33 PM
I am looking for a cold air performance intake and filter for my '97 C230. Has anyone ordered a Ramair Maxflow air intake from MercedesPerformance UK? They offer the Ramair intake, but I want to get some feedback before ordering. Also, has anyone installed an Eisenmann performance exhaust on their C230? Please advise.

01-14-2004, 04:49 AM
I suggest that you look at this before doing something...


01-14-2004, 06:21 AM
Thanks for the input about the Ramair cold air intake filter. I am probably going to stick with the stock filter. I would consider a K & N Filter, but have heard the oil in the filter can actually cause problems with the Mass Air Flow Sensor located in the air intake, which then causes the check engine light to come on and then plenty of dollars to replace or fix.

Has anyone out there recently tried a K & N performance filter with their C class? If yes, did it work ok or not? Also, anyone installed a stainless Eisenmann exhaust. Eisenhauss.com and Bekkers offer these systems and they appear to be very well suited for the C Class.

01-14-2004, 07:12 AM
To answer your first question, I have a K&N panel airfilter in my C 230 K.
No problems.
I believe most problems people create is when they clean it & then OVER oil it.
As far as the Eisenmann exhaust goes, it looks impressive, but fairly hefty $$$$.;)

02-27-2004, 11:50 AM
For the K&N, it seems to be a hit or miss issue. For me, I never oiled mine or anything. Just dropped it in stock and eventually my MAS died. When I looked at the MAS it was covered in an oil. I did not re-oil my K&N at all either.

I heard similar from other ppl. They also did not re-oil theirs.

But yet there are many who don't have problems too.

So a hit or miss thing I tell ya.

Honestly when I put the K&N in my C36 I really didn't notice any difference. Might have sounded different but that's it.

I heard Green Cotton filters would be a good option too. I believe Koolvin installed this and I don't recall him reporting problems with it.

As for an Eisenmann exhaust, check out Nokia8860's gallery. He installed one on his C280. He had an AMG C36 exhaust prior and between the two he said he didn't notice any difference in terms of performance. But the sound of the two imho is a matter of taste. The C36 is less raspy and more refined, wheras the Eisenmann seems to be more throaty. I think it sounds less refined, but definitely more sporty.

Stock exhaust = running fast but "silent"
Eisenmann = running fast and announcing it!

Actually I am interested in the Eisenmann Race or Sport. But I would not do it if it performs less than the C36 exhaust.

Still though, the sound of the Eisenmann is pretty darn cool :)

02-27-2004, 12:27 PM
Thanks for your reply. Very informative as to the eisenmann exhaust and the K and N Filter. One huge thing for me with the Eisenmann exhaust is that it just looks awesome, compared to the stock exhaust on my C230.

Have you heard of anyone trying the RamAir MaxFlow Cold Air Cone Filter intake offered by MercedesPerformance in the UK?

03-03-2004, 05:51 PM
I have used K&N filters for years, in fords, chevy's BMW, Audi my 99 C280 has one now for 18 months, about a week after I bought the car I got a K&N. I have never had any problems with any car they were in. Presently besides my C280, my spousal units 94 Audi 100 has had one for 8 years, my daughters 2001 Neon has a K&N for 2 years and my son's Acura Intregra has a ram air for about a year. The secret is NOT TO OVER OIL THEM WHEN YOU CLEAN THEM and make sure they are completely dry after they are washed and after they are oiled. Wipe off any excess oil from around the rim. I wouldn't recommend a Ram air for our cars, the MAS and throttle body aren't set up for this mod. My sons Acura which is stock except for the ram air and Bosch plus 4 plugs runs great with the K&N, but I think K&N is more into the "rice" market with these types of set ups and not cars like ours. I had a honest 5HP increase and 6lbs of torque increase at the rear wheels with the K&N, after I had it dyno'd a while back,using the "sports" setting on the transmission D4 and I bet the HP is even better now, after the car has adjusted itself. As far as cleaning, I only clean mine when it turns black.