View Full Version : thoughts on ITG filters

Andrew C280
01-14-2004, 06:38 PM
has anyone installed an IGT filter on there car, I am concerened about wrecking my mass air flow so I dont want to use K&N
http://www.itgfilters.com/ (http://)

I cant tell if they have any oil on them? I will email the company.

01-14-2004, 06:52 PM
DUDE! just use OEM man! its the best, i have looked for diffrent filters but in the end i think OEM is best. Anywayz how much gain would a Aftermarket filter give you anyways? 1/2 hp LOL

J Irwan
01-14-2004, 07:02 PM
if you do search this has been asked many times as well

try to search for "ITG filter" or "air filter" or "air intake" in general..

you'll find the answer...
