View Full Version : C43 Brake Pads

02-03-2004, 04:11 PM
What are the best pads to front brake pads to buy for my C43?

Currently I have EBC Green Stuff but they seem to warp my rotors. I'm replacing my rotors with cross-drilled front and back. I think I will keep OE pads for the rear, but need help deciding on the best pads for the fronts. From searching this forum I found that most members like Porterfield, Mintex and OEM.

Where are the best (and cheapest) places to buy Mintex and Porterfield. I couldn't find sites that sell them them on the web. (Guess I'm not a pro suffer yet).

Thanks for the help!

02-03-2004, 05:12 PM
I have Porterfields on my '94 C280 and love them. Less pedal effort, way less dust, and a better initial bite than the OE pads. You can get them from www.porterfield-brakes.com they sell direct.


02-04-2004, 06:10 AM
jlomon -- thanks I checked it out $169 for front pads. If that price is for two sets then it's a good price. I'll let you know if I order them.

Anybody have any information on how to buy Mintex pads?


02-04-2004, 08:07 AM
Originally posted by Tump43
Anybody have any information on how to buy Mintex pads?

Mintex pads for the C43 = $110 (http://www.pure-motorsport.com/products/description.php/II=297) here.

02-04-2004, 08:06 PM
Kwick and Jlomon --

Thanks for the help. I went and ordered a set of Porterfield R4S (AP682) for the front axle. I expect to like these much better than the EBC Green Stuff pads. I'm sticking with stock pads for the rear.

A client of mine said that he used to work on cars all the time and invited me to his garage to install the rotors and pads front and back. (He runs and maintains a very cool 12 cyl. BMW, I'll get the model number later). I need this kind of hands on instruction. I'll do the work -- he will supervise and provide the tools. Beats paying my mechanic.

I'll let you know in a couple of weeks.

02-04-2004, 08:34 PM
is it the 850?

02-07-2004, 10:28 AM
jnolte --

Yes it is a 1992 BMW 850i. 12 cyl and about 400 hp with a six speed manual.