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View Full Version : Headrest questions.....

02-14-2004, 10:35 AM
Hey guys, anyone have any experience installing headrest monitors into their 202? if not how about how to remove them or any insights on how to dive into this. im pretty proficient on car audio and wiring but just wondering how to get them out and best way to start on this project. thanks!!!

02-14-2004, 10:57 AM
To remove the headrest, raise them to the very highest point. Then about 6 inches or so down from the top of the seat, there is a button that is hidden behind the upholstery. It is on the left-middle side of the seat directly below the left headrest metal tube. Press this button in and then raise the headrest by hand. You will have to run the wires somehow, but I'm not really experienced in it. Normally, wires are run down one of the headrest tubes, but I don't know if the stock headrests have hollow tubes.

Please keep me/us updated on this project, because I plan to do this eventually, and I would rather not spend the money on the prefabricated headrests with monitors built in.


02-14-2004, 11:14 AM
THANKS! any others that can offer any tips/insight, etc would be appreciated i am hoping to get started on this soon and i will for sur ekeep you posted and updated on how it comes along. ill try and get pictures taken throughout the process when i do get around to doin it......

02-18-2004, 12:45 AM
i just put mine in today

i got a little larger polished aluminum tubing from the local store and put my headrest pole in the middle of that. i ran the wires from inside the headrest down the new tube and into the top of the seat where i took the back of the seat off. ran the wirining down the back of the seat and out of the bottom into the first aid kit where i have my dvd player mounted. but that is just the way i did it. hope this helps

Renn 208
02-18-2004, 06:31 AM
another easy way to go would be to get saav headrests. Then all that remains would be to run the wires. And you'll need a secure torx screwdriver to open up the seat backs (can't remember what size)

02-18-2004, 10:27 AM
Savv headrests?

Renn 208
02-18-2004, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by 1SIKBNZ
Savv headrests?

Yep, that should make finding them easier:p

edit: add linky


02-18-2004, 10:56 AM
LOL i dont even know what they are...thats what i was asking.... i just realized i put savv instead of saav. what are they? and how much...thanks!:p