View Full Version : tranny jerk

05-23-2004, 04:05 PM
when I have the A/C on and put the car into D from P, it'll make a hard jerk at times. Same thing if I go from R to D. But if I have the A/C off, it'll be fine, no jerks (maybe a little, but not as noticible as when the A/C is on).

Is this normal with the A/C on because there's more stress on the drivetrain/engine? or a bad sign?

Thanks :)

05-23-2004, 06:28 PM
umm how are the rpm's when the a/c is on? over 1k? or just slightly higher than regular?

mine doens't jerk. maybe an engine mount or tranny mount gone bad and jerking cuz of more load?

05-23-2004, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by fastmayte
umm how are the rpm's when the a/c is on? over 1k? or just slightly higher than regular?

mine doens't jerk. maybe an engine mount or tranny mount gone bad and jerking cuz of more load?

idle RPM same as if the A/C wasn't on...about 600-700RPM's.

I"m usually in the car myself, but doesn't affect the jerking no matter how many/how little people i have.

i know that the motor and tranny mounts are worn out, they need replacement, which I'll do this summer when I start working.

05-23-2004, 06:42 PM
yea it's prolyl the engine mounts. do this. ask a friend to look under the hood as u put it in drive or reverse and engine brake it (hold the brakes and rev up the egine (not too hard )) see if the engine shakes alot. could be your engine mounts.

most likely when it juerks, it's either engine/tranny mounts or tranny problem. so mostly likely, engine/tranny mounts.
did u ever get that leak fixed?

05-23-2004, 06:46 PM
which leak are you talking about? :p

the rear main seal leak? that leak stopped itself, i guess it crusted and sealed it. I wasn't about to dump $3500 to fix that, I don't think it's worth it. Smaller repairs ok, but big ones, i dunno...

but at least it doesn't leak anymore :)

05-23-2004, 07:05 PM
lol , pimp. damn $3500? too much. half the car is worth that, haha. yea hope all goes well dawg