View Full Version : radar install in front bumper

09-11-2004, 05:11 PM
I'm going to be hooking up my radar detector in the front grille, and I need some help with the wiring.

The display is going to be enclosed where the ash tray is, to make it "stealth" along with a switch to turn it on/off.

The problem is connecting the radar in the front grille to the display in the ash tray. Where do I route a wire from the ash tray area to the grille of the car?

09-11-2004, 11:50 PM
your fuse box has a passageway into the cabbin and a hole n the side of it so that you can run ur wires out of it to the grill

09-12-2004, 08:57 AM
thanks man-
here's where I am, there are two holes, infront of hte green and behind the blue box. Which one do I use? Where do they lead to in the cabin?
or is it off to the side of the fuse box?

09-12-2004, 11:07 PM
lift that whole thingy up and there shood be a pretty big hole rite into the cabbin in the back of the box

09-13-2004, 08:11 AM
just get a K40. its freakin sweet.

09-13-2004, 12:03 PM
you have a K40 sugrdaddey? I'd love one, but I think my hidden install will be just as, if not more sexy than a K40; not to mention it will cost about $2000 less.

09-13-2004, 03:29 PM
well I've got the hole, but now I can't figure out how to get the panel underneath the steering wheel to come off. There's one screw I removed by the trunk release- but i was having trubs popping off that whole panel after that- and I don't want to break something. sorry if I sound like I've never done this before- but truth is- I haven't.

09-14-2004, 02:25 AM
haha sorry i dont know about the panel, i only had 2 pop my headlight switch off and install the little adjustment knob thingy, but maybe sum1 else will chime in and give u sum assistance

09-14-2004, 10:31 AM
i dont have a K40 cuz my car's not fast enough lol. but my dad has one on an S600.

09-14-2004, 10:33 AM
oh he paid about 1100 for his. expensive but another place wanted to install it for over 2 large.

09-15-2004, 05:59 PM
well I've got the panel off and the wires through, now comes the hard part of actually installing the units and making it work. not to mention making it sexy as hell.... I'll get some pics up soon

i just finished soldering the last of the wires today, ran it thru the wall and now It won't turn on. now I"m troubleshooting....

10-07-2004, 05:57 PM
everything that i did before- forget it

I found a great deal on a Whistler 3300 unit, so I scrapped that first project (that was going downhill anyways) and installed the Whistler unit instead. Everything works like a dream, except theres that light in the ash tray that I have to turn off somehow....

the best part is that it is completely hidden (but can still give audio alerts) if you close the ashtray!

here are some quick pics to satisfy

yes, that is a cheap wrench you see holding the antenna in place

12-15-2004, 12:31 PM
that's pretty ghetto