View Full Version : gaps are a little off

05-09-2005, 10:33 AM
i noticed that the passenger gap on the hood is a little bigger than the one the drivers side. i ve tried to find where to adjust the hood , but no luck, anyone one where to adjust it. oh yeah it's not the gap that raises or lowers the hood, but the side to side gap.thanks;)

05-09-2005, 12:15 PM
you have to loosen the bolts that secure the hood to the hinges, but I highly recommend you have someone help you with that.you say that pass side gap is wider, that you would have to push back the pass side and pull towards you the driver's side just a bit. this mihgt take you a while until you line up the hood lines properly with the fenders and the bumper.also make sure the hood doesnt stick out more than the fenders, must be flush with them.


05-09-2005, 07:44 PM
thanks, i 'll try that as soon as i get a chance.
also, i noticed that the corner of my hood (drivers side) lifts up a bit during highway speeds. :confused: any ideas on how to fix that. thanks again.;)

05-09-2005, 10:08 PM
make sure everything is tight, especially the hinges.
