View Full Version : no warning lights..plz help

10-16-2005, 03:44 PM
b4 i bought my car i told the owner to change the cluster, cause it was scratched, and so he did...today i realised i have a burned out fog light, and a burned out tail light, and i didnt get the light warning on my cluster...is it because the cluster is not wired right, or is it somehting worse ?

10-16-2005, 04:18 PM
maybe your cluster light for the bulb monitor is burnt out.. but the fog light bulb will not set off the manitor.. and I have no answer for the tail light.. it should have come on.

10-16-2005, 04:25 PM
The dash cluster warning lights should all go on when the key is turned, in the position before you engage the starter. Have a look to see if your lamp warning light is working or not at that point. If not, check the bulb.

10-16-2005, 04:25 PM
He could have been like me and taken that bulb out of the cluster.
It used to come on every now and again for no apparant reason? all my bulbs were fine, but i think one of the tail light bulbs may have been the wrong wattage or something similar? it would only come on when it was really hot? so i just took the bulb out. not the best solution but bulbs very really blow anyway

10-16-2005, 05:05 PM
i checked when i turned the ignitions all the lights came on, including the light warning, and i noticed that my rear fog light is always on, i simply cant turn it off, i think some1 really messed up while wiring my car....and now i need help to fix it

10-16-2005, 07:38 PM
um some c classes can have a thing installed (cant remember the name) installed that makes some of the lights stay on whenever the key is on, like the ones you described, it is safer and can make insurance prices lower, normally these also turn the front lights on a dim mode too, but your may only be the rear.
dont worry all is ok, your warning bulb light may not come on because to do what i just listed you need to change a lighting relay thing under the dash near the steering wheel area.
This is my understanding of it>

10-16-2005, 07:59 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong for your country, but your fog light is on the left rear? Take the bulb holder out of each taillight assembly and check that both sides have the same type of bulb installed in each corresponding socket. Make sure the bulbs are fully inserted and turned. Also check for evidence of any rewiring someone may have done in the past. The rear fog light is supplied directly from the switch through a green&white wire via fuse 17 I believe (according to my wiring diagram - check your fuse box cover). It doesn't appear to use a relay. Check the wiring at the fuse box. It could be that someone has hooked up an accessory which is incorrectly wired and is therefore supplying power to this circuit whenever the ignition is on. Since this circuit is also monitored by the bulb indicator, constant power could be the reason your indicator never lights up when you have a bulb failure. In effect, it is "jumpered out".