View Full Version : LOWERING THE 99 230k

11-02-2005, 01:40 PM
I have been looking too buy SCHATZ lowering springs and was wondering what other mods would you recommend me getting in order for the tires not too wear so fast????Im also not sure whether its better too go with 18's instead of 19's???:bunny:

11-02-2005, 01:51 PM
IF you are buying lowering springs, then you should upgrade your shocks too, as they were not designed to work with a lowered spring set up. Lowering springs will cause you stock shocks to wear out faster.

To help remedy tire wear, you will have to get an alignment (and te amount to realign depends on the amount of lowering you do). If you lowering is not that far out of spec, then you should be good. There are others who dump their car to the ground and do not understand why their tires wear unevenly. An alignment will have you figure out your next steps. If you have rear camber, you may purchase/find adjustable rear camber arms to help even it out a bit.

As for 18's vs 19's, its a loooooooooong debate. How about you tell us what you like to achieve and Member's can help you out from there. For example, you want to ride like stock, wieght concerns, etc etc.

edit: as for height, you can also purchase spring pads to help assist in the ride height. Sizes go from 22mm (i think) to aorund 5mm. Not much of a difference, but maybe enough to suit your tastes.

11-02-2005, 02:01 PM
ok, thanks for the feed. I have been looking too buy the BIlstein sport shocks to go with it, so hopefully that will work out. The issue i have with the rim size is the spacing between the tire and the wheel welll, because it looks corney.