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11-21-2005, 04:44 PM
ok, my 97' c230 didnt come with a kompressor =(

i would like to know if i can put one in, but first i want to kno how much of a gain there is ? like HP's ?

another thing,

how much ? for everything!

and on a scale of 1-10, how hard is it to put one in? like i have special tools and stuff for mercedes.

11-21-2005, 05:29 PM
well you can supercharge ur engine...but i say instead of spending all that money on it, sell it and buy a c230k...it would propably cost u the same

11-21-2005, 05:47 PM
my engine only has 50k on it.

my car was in the storage for 3 years and nobody even touched it. everything is like new and no leaks anywhere.

now if i try to find a 230k it wont be the same and it will be older then my 230.

my next car is definitly NOT goin to be the same model, well i had no choice, this is my first car and my mom handed it down to me, now she has an 06' c230, and wants to hand that down when i get a job to pay it off, and she wants and SLR.

BUT - i dont want her c230, why should i pay off a car that i didnt really choose ?

so right now, im stuck with my c230, ill sell it later and use the money for a down payment, but first i want to do some modifications to it.

besides - if i sell it now and buy a new car, it will get messed up in the sckool parking lots because ppl get jelous alot.

11-21-2005, 05:58 PM

the Komp was introduced late 97,so you wont find one older than yours...

Ok....tell me how much money you have to spend on mods and ill try my best to point you in a logical direction.

11-21-2005, 06:14 PM
older, i meant - milage. go try to find a 97' with 50k ... kinda hard.

money ? well, i have $2000 right now, Im gonna have about $900 more but im gonna use that to buy some alpine.

11-21-2005, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by rollinrealbig
older, i meant - milage. go try to find a 97' with 50k ... kinda hard.

money ? well, i have $2000 right now, Im gonna have about $900 more but im gonna use that to buy some alpine.

u will need at least 4000

11-21-2005, 06:29 PM
is that the price of all the stuff from the dealer ?

11-21-2005, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by rollinrealbig
is that the price of all the stuff from the dealer ?

ohh if u want from dealer... i would say $10,000 +

11-21-2005, 07:08 PM
well u can either turbo charge it...or supercharge it...and both are way over 2900 search in the threads and ull c what im talking about...and yeah i would not suggest buying a kompressor car since ur car seems to be well maintained and takin care off...(wasnt the first 202 with a kompressor introduced in 99??)

11-21-2005, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by Abuimad
well u can either turbo charge it...or supercharge it...and both are way over 2900 search in the threads and ull c what im talking about...and yeah i would not suggest buying a kompressor car since ur car seems to be well maintained and takin care off...(wasnt the first 202 with a kompressor introduced in 99??)

i agree
turbo system off mosslman is good kit. comes with intercooler.

yea compressor came out in 1999

11-21-2005, 07:16 PM
turbo ?

why not the komp. ?

cant you have both ?

11-21-2005, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by rollinrealbig
turbo ?

why not the komp. ?

cant you have both ?

turbo is cheaper

11-21-2005, 08:30 PM
your mom is goin from a 06' C-class to a SLR Mclaren?

**Song jingles in "We be movin on up, to the eastside, finaly got a piece of the pie"

11-21-2005, 09:57 PM
yea, she bought the new C230 manual, fun, but not enough power.

and any modifications on that are hard, its one of the new V6 models so the engine is huge and no room for anything.

why ? is the SLR shit ?

11-21-2005, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by rollinrealbig

why ? is the SLR shit ?

u do know what an SLR is right ?????
or are u confusing it with a SLK :p , but that seems unlikely cause who in his right mind would do that

11-21-2005, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by rollinrealbig
yea, she bought the new C230 manual, fun, but not enough power.

and any modifications on that are hard, its one of the new V6 models so the engine is huge and no room for anything.

why ? is the SLR shit ?

it costs $400,000
thats why it is shit

11-21-2005, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by rollinrealbig
yea, she bought the new C230 manual, fun, but not enough power.

and any modifications on that are hard, its one of the new V6 models so the engine is huge and no room for anything.

why ? is the SLR shit ?

i dont think C230K comes in a V6 bro

11-21-2005, 10:23 PM
umm yea, the SLR McLaren, the one that cost half a mill.

she test drove one in florida, liked it i guess, i wasnt there to see it so i didnt get to drive it.

but yea she wants that ... (who doesnt) i dont kno if she really is gonna buy one but she sounds really serious, and she doesnt want her 06' C230 at all. thats why she is like "when you get a stable job, pay that c230 off and keep it while i buy a better car".

but if she ends up buying one, she has to wait till april cuz i think thats when the AMG one comes out or sumthing like that, i wasnt at the dealership when she was so i dont know much about that car. but i do kno its an sl"R" (SLR)

really tho, goin from 210 HP - 600+ is a pretty big leap. imagine how many street races ill win with that, that car will get me a speeding ticket even when the car is in reverse, LoL

i hope she buys it!

11-21-2005, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by tpliquid
i dont think C230K comes in a V6 bro

C230 V6 ? yess it does!!!!

not kompressor, they stopped making those. and the C240 are gone too, you can only buy used ones. here check this out. its the latest model.


read the specs. "V6, C230 non-kompressor 2.5L", if you still want proof, let me kno, ill get you pix because i have that model parked in my garage.

really tho - they should of called it C250 = 2.5L ?

11-21-2005, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by rollinrealbig
umm yea, the SLR McLaren, the one that cost half a mill.

she test drove one in florida, liked it i guess, i wasnt there to see it so i didnt get to drive it.

but yea she wants that ... (who doesnt) i dont kno if she really is gonna buy one but she sounds really serious, and she doesnt want her 06' C230 at all. thats why she is like "when you get a stable job, pay that c230 off and keep it while i buy a better car".

but if she ends up buying one, she has to wait till april cuz i think thats when the AMG one comes out or sumthing like that, i wasnt at the dealership when she was so i dont know much about that car. but i do kno its an sl"R" (SLR)

really tho, goin from 210 HP - 600+ is a pretty big leap. imagine how many street races ill win with that, that car will get me a speeding ticket even when the car is in reverse, LoL

i hope she buys it!

The SLR already has a AMG engine it it. a 5.4 liter S/C one to be exact. its not an sl "R" haha is that like a integra type "R" haha

Its just SLR Mclaren period

There isnt going to be an SLR ///AMG


11-22-2005, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by rollinrealbig
C230 V6 ? yess it does!!!!

not kompressor, they stopped making those. and the C240 are gone too, you can only buy used ones. here check this out. its the latest model.


read the specs. "V6, C230 non-kompressor 2.5L", if you still want proof, let me kno, ill get you pix because i have that model parked in my garage.

really tho - they should of called it C250 = 2.5L ?

got me there.

edit: now why would they go and do that? 230 is better caus its .5 away from c280

if theyc all it c250 then it is .3 away from c280.. people would just buy a c250 instead caus it costs less and have abuot the same hp

11-22-2005, 09:43 AM
Komp was made 97,mine is 97,....i believe US didnt get it until 98....

all up if you want forced induction,your 3K wont go far...

11-22-2005, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by 23K
Komp was made 97,mine is 97,....i believe US didnt get it until 98....

all up if you want forced induction,your 3K wont go far...

i believe 98 models were only c230

99 models were c230k

11-22-2005, 10:08 AM
Hmmm I think its safe to say they came out in 97 because mine is no replica,and neither is the other 97 5-speed manual 230K for sale locally....

11-22-2005, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by 23K
Hmmm I think its safe to say they came out in 97 because mine is no replica,and neither is the other 97 5-speed manual 230K for sale locally....

correct, the dates i gave were for US cars

11-22-2005, 10:49 AM
got me there:)

11-22-2005, 05:12 PM
ok, now that im totally confused.

screw this tunning up my benz thing,

just gonna buy some rims.

then, when i get tired of it (doesnt take too long)

ill sell it, plus add the money im gonna save up, use all that as a down payment for sumthing else (G35 in mind) .

damn i hate the fact that i cant legally buy my own car unless im 18, i hate these damn laws!!!!

... or ... should i keep the C230 that my mom doesnt want ? i kno it can be fast but there is no room to install anything !!!

11-22-2005, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by rollinrealbig
ok, now that im totally confused.

screw this tunning up my benz thing,

just gonna buy some rims.

then, when i get tired of it (doesnt take too long)

ill sell it, plus add the money im gonna save up, use all that as a down payment for sumthing else (G35 in mind) .

damn i hate the fact that i cant legally buy my own car unless im 18, i hate these damn laws!!!!
... or ... should i keep the C230 that my mom doesnt want ? i kno it can be fast but there is no room to install anything

ur car do watever you want. if it was me i would radther save the money get a new car all together

11-22-2005, 05:45 PM
LOL....just get some rims and drop it....

11-22-2005, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by 23K
LOL....just get some rims and drop it....

yea i will, nomatter if im keepin it or not.

nobody wants those ugly faded 15's