View Full Version : Remus Muffler

C280 JR
01-08-2003, 06:54 AM
Anyone have it, if they do was it hard to fit it on and what sound does it make and preformance if any?


01-08-2003, 07:55 AM
http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0QgBkAMASZFqMyhARK8nqb0lMJtG3fuVB7EOUxNlm8k2r5vPel JfwHbCSBlgdAnjSQeVVWSXWZiVKnnAlWSd76nae0yNlmYUTxwY B6CSfAXA/SLOGTG11.jpg?dc=4675383293192571934

Should be a direct bolt-on fit - depending on which muffler you get, you might want to notch your bumper for a nice fit, but that's really up to you.

In terms of performance gain - minimal. But there is a sound increase - nice and quiet at idle and cruising but throaty when the throttle is opened.