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07-25-2003, 11:45 AM
I have a problem with my 280 mosselman built merc .I have no ignition on number 2 and number 4 coil .Can anyone give me some good advice ?(please)My car is a 1994 CR 280 sport with a compleet mosselman kit on her .Bi turbo ,special intake ,mosselman stainless steel exhaust ,racing front disk brakes , if some one would like a picture i would be happy to send it .pat from belgium

07-29-2003, 01:52 PM
I would like to post a pic of my merc !But i cant seem to be able to load attachments .It is in the forum rules .Can some one tell me how to change this?

07-30-2003, 08:22 AM
To be able to attach pictures, you need to host your pictures on another site/server. Then, you can use the IMG tag to "link" to the pictures. You cannot attach pictures from your hard drive.

For example, I use Sony Imagestation to host my picture. So in order for me to attach a picture, I type:


***Substitute the <> with []*** (I had to use them so the script would show up)

Or you can use the IMG tag when you are typing a reply. To use the tag, click the "IMG" button in the VB code section and an "Explorer User Prompt" will show up. Just copy and paste your URL where the picture is and click OK. The IMG tags will automatically fill in appropriately.

If you do it correctly, you will get this. Volia!!:



07-30-2003, 11:11 AM
Hi Frenchy,

I had similar issues in the past and in my case it was due to loose spark plugs. But it was also possible to have been attributed to faulty plugs, worn spark-plug harnesses, or even a worn wiring harness.

Have you already checked these things?

Do you have OBD trouble codes on a 94 btw?

07-30-2003, 01:18 PM
Thank you for your info.I did check the plug cables and put new plugs twice now but!I did get the feeling that it could be my wiring harness because when i was displacing the harness just a litle bit in this one place ,the idle speed changed .This was of course a couple of days back when it was still running on at least 5 cylinders. Now it barely runs at all .No spark on 5 and 3.I dont know if i am getting spark under the coils on 2 and 4 but i suppose so because i dont think it would start on 2 cylinders .And no i did not see or do not know if i have those trouble codes .All i know is that all the lights on the dash swich off ounce the motor runs .Would you know if the ignition sensor would be dirty or coverd with oil ,could it be missing a spark or two ?Now i say this because the problems occured after cleaning the motor !Thanks again for your time .Pat from Belgium.

07-30-2003, 03:53 PM
Hi Pat,

I hope one of our resident tech wizzes can chime in. All I know is when I had the misfiring issues, my mechanic said he has found many 202 wiring harnesses to blame. It appeared to be common enough to be one of the first things to suspect. However it's like one of the more expensive repairs, so hopefully it's not that. But if you said you had issues when moving the harness around....

Obviously it would be good to have your mechanic have a peak...hopefully for free :(

08-01-2003, 03:58 AM
I was moving the rubber part of the wiring harness around which is under the ignition cover and gess what !All off a sudden it ran fine again .(For 5 minutes )I was not able to reproduce the same again but it is the first time it ran good again since the problem started .Would anyone know how much this wiring harness can cost me ?And maybe were i can pick one up a litle cheaper then the Stealership!Thanks again for all the replies.Pat from belgium:)

08-01-2003, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by frenchie
I was moving the rubber part of the wiring harness around which is under the ignition cover and gess what !All off a sudden it ran fine again .(For 5 minutes )I was not able to reproduce the same again but it is the first time it ran good again since the problem started .Would anyone know how much this wiring harness can cost me ?And maybe were i can pick one up a litle cheaper then the Stealership!Thanks again for all the replies.Pat from belgium:)

Try this one but not sure if they would ship to Belgium or try Mercedesshop.com.

08-01-2003, 11:59 AM
Thanks for the reply but they dont seem to sell wiring harness kits ?Do you know anyone else ?I seem to recall a person on the repairs forum talking about changing his wiring harness .I did not seem to see a price or a address !:(

08-01-2003, 07:41 PM
You can send them an email and I'm sure they'll help you get what you need. Their customer service is way beyond excellent. ;)

08-02-2003, 09:19 AM
Well ,what the hell !I thought i might try to install new suppresors to see if maybe it could still be a coil problem .When i read this thread on this repairs forum and understood that they are responsable for giving resistance!And that the ohm load can change and that can be interprited by the car as a miss-fire ,i said !i will first try this before i go to the stealer ship .Well like normaly ,no luck !It is still the same .So in 2 days i have a appointment at the stealership to pick up the codes .I will let everyone know whats up .Thanks for the input and take care!:) :(

08-02-2003, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by frenchie
I was moving the rubber part of the wiring harness around which is under the ignition cover and gess what !All off a sudden it ran fine again .


Perhaps your ignition wires short. You shouldn't X two ignition wires at any time. I notice on my w202, cyl # 3&4 cross on each other also. To eliminate this potential prob. I put a rubber piece in between.

One way to notice whether there is a jump or short between two wires is by listening closely to the wires while the engine is running. Small popping noises usually occur.

I suspect that you might have 'cut' the rubber/silicone sleeves during removal and reinstalling process - Hence exposure or ground one of the wire to the engine block.

If this is the case, replacing your ignition wires will solve it.

I hope this help :)

08-05-2003, 02:32 AM
OK !now i know what it is .After paying 130 dollars (euros ) to the stealership , i found out for shure that my problem is in the wiring harness .Inside the rubber part of the wiring .I have two melted wires inside .Now ,the thing is a new one cost here 750 dollars .Can anyone help me locate a second hand wiring harness or maybe a place that has normal prices !:(

08-05-2003, 06:22 AM
click here (http://www.club202.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=916)

And here (http://www.club202.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=987)

08-05-2003, 07:17 AM
This is just plain sad. Does anyone know if MB is using the same kind of wiring harness in their newer line up?

08-05-2003, 08:45 AM
Hey !thanks for all that reading i was able to do .By the way , i pulled that wiring harness out and dissected it .I could not believe what i was looking at ! Most of the wires close to the engine were in such bad condition it looked like they were 200 years old !Anyway ,it took me about 2 hours and did not find it dificult.I must say ,it does take me a litle longer since i only have one good hand .Had a bad motorcycle accident 10 years ago .Now the thing is to be able to find a good second hand one or a cheaper new one .I will get a response tomorrow from a local junk yard (you never know )I also thought about fixing it my self but believe me !If you think it is only one cable that is shorting out ,take a good look again !Thanks for the replies .:)

08-06-2003, 06:18 AM
Glad you were able to find the problem...now...about those pics..esp of the turbos.. :)

08-06-2003, 08:27 AM
Just go to this url and all the pics are on this site http://community.webshots.com/user/patfanny:

08-07-2003, 08:31 AM
After calling around basically all day (again )I have been able to find one place that has a compleet wiring harness for sale !He is asking 160 dollars for it so i will go and take a good look tomorrow morning .Normally if all is ok ,i should have her running by sundown .But it does go to show you ,even here in europe we have problems finding parts sometimes !And even more when the are (bio -degradable )Now who in hell got that Fk good Idea!I will let everyone know how it went .(if anyone GAF of corse )pat from belgium .:) :) ;)

08-07-2003, 08:42 AM
Does anyone have there old wire harness? If do please email me as I would like to talk to you about this.

08-07-2003, 04:59 PM
I still got mine but most ends been cut.

08-22-2003, 02:38 PM
Hey ! what do you know .I was able to find a wiring harness but!I still have to wait 5 more days.From what i understand ,only a CR 280 wiring harness fits a (280 ).So ,when i have it and it is put in its place !I will let everyone know.,pat from belgium:) :) :)

08-23-2003, 01:02 AM
Originally posted by nokia8860
Does anyone have there old wire harness? If do please email me as I would like to talk to you about this.

I got another set from my E320. ;)

09-09-2003, 11:45 AM
Well i shure have learned a lot about wirring harnesses in the last 2 weeks ! I have gone to junk yards and looked at about 20 to 25 cables that were compatible for my 280 .By my suprise ,they all basically had the same problem as mine .Now thinking hey !This is a mercedes ,I will email a few big Merc offices and see what they say on the subject .I meen you never know if they might say hey ,we know we made the worst cables in the world in that time and on those models so we will make a (big effort ) and give you a redused price ?????Well let me tell you that after two weeks and no response ,i decided to get a new one .I think thats what they figured to !But let me say ,dont go and dream thinking you can find one anywere in second hand for 150 to 300 hundred euros (almost same as dollars )because they are also in advanced decomposing stage !Anyway ,good luck if you do .If anyone is interested in looking at a few pics of the car ,just go to this URL.I will put more pics on when the cables are back in this weekend .Thanks ,Pat from Belgium http://community.webshots.com/user/patfanny:)

09-09-2003, 12:40 PM
frenchie i thought you have fallen off the face of the earth!!! i still need that email from you :)

09-09-2003, 02:12 PM
i still have my old one
and it doesn't look like it's bad at all
probably didn't need replacing but oh well new is better in the long run

now who needs old one? :)
it's not cut or anything at all just took it off sitting in plastic bag atm :)

09-09-2003, 09:58 PM
Hey nokia ,please excuse me ,myself ,and ,i .I will mail you know .By the way ,thanks for the interest !:)

10-01-2003, 12:01 PM
Well ok ,i came back from the dead !I have been of line for 2 weeks now .Had to reinstall windows and all the rest .When you have bits and pieces here and there it takes a little longer .Lost all my emails so if anyone mailed please try it again (sorry).Now about wirring harness !I finally got news back from the big boss in Holland responsible for most European complaints about Mercs.They sent me a beautiful letter a mille long about how they would like to help me with my Biodegradable harness .And with all the good will they have they are sadden to say that they would not be able to help me with the costs on a new wirring harness because (they take such pride and time in training the Merc mechanics that they could not allow to admit there is a problem on the harness since i am not one of those mechanics that they have made .) With all the respect i have for them .Even that i have a reciept from a steallership that says i have one broke (melted)wirring harness.O well ,but that means that if i had left here at a dealler and given them the name they would have probably been able (willing)to come in on the costs !Next time i guess but i shure would try if anyone else has the same problem .(and i am shure someone will )I will have a new one friday .650 bucks .I guess it is not bad considering the prices i saw allready in the states .As soon as i am done installing it and flying again i will let everyone know .Thanks for all the replys (pat from Belgium) http://community.webshots.com/user/patfanny:)

10-04-2003, 01:05 PM
Ok now !It took me 3 enjoyable hours to put the brand new wirring harness on and that was it .Hooked up the juice and wam bam thank you mam ,she started right up !She is purrrrring like a kitten again but when i push on that funny pedal on the floor youd beter be leaning back because she is back and alive .Its funny what a controled ignition can do at the (right moment ).I mean with these biodegradable wirring harness it is scarry thinking about what happens under the hood !Even if you love barbecues and all that comes with it.Anyway i got lucky i suppose because i only paid 700 euros (625dollars)for the new cable .I would suggest anyone driving a early 1990 Merc and is having Twilight zone problems with their ignition (and other)to keep in mind these beautiful wirring harnesses can and probebly will have something to do with it .Thanks for all the replies and help !:D ;)
Pat from belgium .

10-20-2003, 11:07 AM
I thought that while i was at it i might as well rebuild the Garrett turbos at the same time !Got lucky by the way .I found a place called Turbo Masters in Orange California that had and sold the kits .They were very nice and helpfull and i had my kits 3 days later .It is amazing what a 2.8 whith bi turbos can do .It has 285 HP on here and stops on a dime .Anyway i had a member from this club mail me asking if i could send him pics of the rebuilt turbos because he would like to install some on his Merc.He is from Sweden but i dont know his name or adress since i lost all my emails and adress book .Does sanyone know him ?????I promised him i would send him some pics !He is a member of this club so you never know ????
Pat from Belgium (frenchie):confused:

10-20-2003, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by frenchie
I thought that while i was at it i might as well rebuild the Garrett turbos at the same time !Got lucky by the way .I found a place called Turbo Masters in Orange California that had and sold the kits .They were very nice and helpfull and i had my kits 3 days later .It is amazing what a 2.8 whith bi turbos can do .It has 285 HP on here and stops on a dime .Anyway i had a member from this club mail me asking if i could send him pics of the rebuilt turbos because he would like to install some on his Merc.He is from Sweden but i dont know his name or adress since i lost all my emails and adress book .Does sanyone know him ?????I promised him i would send him some pics !He is a member of this club so you never know ????
Pat from Belgium (frenchie):confused:

hey Frenchie, i dont know who your talking aobut but can you take pics when your rebuilding you turbo up, and some close up of the manifold also. Love your ride, i hope/wish to get some some oomhp for my ride too.

are there alot of parts that came with the kit??



10-21-2003, 02:38 AM
I will put them on my webshots photos and put the URL incase you dont have it .http://community.webshots.com/scripts/misc.fcgi?action=invitePickup&uri=album/83702540sxzlrm