View Full Version : HVAC lighting

05-04-2006, 10:24 PM
I need a quick help. My C230 has a DIGITAL (push buttons) HVAC unit. Tonight I realized all the lidup lights(all buttons and display) for the HVAC is off when I turn on the light. Fan and every function still working. Other control panel light is still working. I think this maybe the light bubs burn out, right? is it easy to change? can I pull out the HVAC and remove the lights (twist out like in the jap cars)? or do I have to dissemble the whole unit to remove the light bubs? and how many light bubs for this whole HVAC unit. Please help me quick...this thing really annoy me...I will try to remove and fix it tomorrow. thank you

05-04-2006, 10:43 PM

05-05-2006, 01:50 AM
to continue my saga...
So annoy by the broken HVAC' lights, I went out at 1AM and start working on the car. Without instruction and proper tool, I ended up remove the whole center panel (yes, radio, coin tray....) before I was able to remove the HVAC unit. According to what I found, there is only 1 light bubs to light up the whole unit. Logically, this is the smoking gun, however, the bubs, filament is seem to be intacted (at least visually), and no burn out. I will stop by the dealer the first thing in the morning to get the new bub. But for the sake of it, what could be cause of the black out fo the unit ( in case the light bubs is still good and not the cause) ?? anybody having any idea???

05-05-2006, 06:25 AM
You only need the tools to remove the HVAC, no need to take everything apart. See the two little slits? Insert tool in there and viola out of the dash.

Yes, if I remember correctly one bulb on the top of the HVAC. Mine looked intact as well, but when replaced no problems.

05-05-2006, 06:46 AM
Originally posted by Denlasoul
You only need the tools to remove the HVAC, no need to take everything apart. See the two little slits? Insert tool in there and viola out of the dash.

Yes, if I remember correctly one bulb on the top of the HVAC. Mine looked intact as well, but when replaced no problems.

exactly i was jsut about to say that, i even managed to do it myself, and after replacing the builb no problems what so ever (knock on wood)

05-05-2006, 09:17 AM
I saw the slits, but didnt have the tool. Also, it is 1am, there was no body open for me to buy the tool, so I have to remove the tape deck, before I can use a small knive and unlock 1 side at the time (while pushing out from the back). Im heading to dealer right now....will report the result

05-05-2006, 11:26 AM
Did you check your fuses btw? I had a blown fuse that caused my climate control to lose all illumination.

05-05-2006, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by kameraguy
Did you check your fuses btw? I had a blown fuse that caused my climate control to lose all illumination.

Really? which fuse number is it? I checked every single fuse twices... everything ok.

To continue my story:
I headed to dealer this morning. After checking the computer, the sale rep told me they dont sale the bub only, I have to buy the whole HVAC !! He infact showed me the computer screen, and MB cataloge really didnt show the bub for the HVAC, just the whole unit. Just as I ready to leave, another sale rep (who obviously knew this situation)brought out a bub...and they gave it to me for free ?!. Headed home I put it in and it didnt work ?!!. I finally have to take my car to the local MB shop. Here the guy replace the bub, test it on different HVAC...still not light!! So after playing around he concluded: the light socket is no good...so he call another dealer in advance, then sent me over to pick up the socket and the bub. Another 30 min driving...and at the dealer, after checking the computer, they told me they dont sell the socket alone, I'll have to buy new HVAC ($800). Frustrated, I went home, took the socket out, used the ply to bend the tab around.... and miraculously it work !! (at least for now).... Until now, I still dont know how the thing stop working in the first place....

05-05-2006, 03:54 PM
yea, i just replaced the little bulb, they gave it to me for free.

05-06-2006, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by kameraguy
Did you check your fuses btw? I had a blown fuse that caused my climate control to lose all illumination.

I thought the fuse controlling the HVAC illumination controls the entire HVAC unit itself (e.g. if the fuse blew, the HVAC would not operate whatsoever). Doesn't the HVAC unit have its own fuse for the bulb?

05-06-2006, 10:56 PM
unless there something I dont know, Th HVAC doesnt have the fuse for the light bubs. Also, I thought the illumation for the HVAC and the whole car control by the same fuse(s)??