So It happened to me too... hard the beginning it would start with one click at times, and then at others not start at all..and I'd have to wait a while and try again and the engine springs to life...and once running...the car runs fine...

but recently it's been having a harder time starting... and sometimes won't start at all...

according to the's the harness which has rotted away..the dreaded nightmare of all 202 owners..

mine's a 95 c280...and I live in the Philippines...and so far the quote i got was approximately 1,200 US dollars for the f*ckin thing..

guys...need your help...can I order this online? what's the best site to get it from?? and also do I need to order a MAF/MAS as well? cause I asked about this and they said once I replace the harness it should be ok...but I really just wanna have a hassle free driving experience with my beloved if this is recommended..I'm willing t do it for the peace of mind =)

thanks guys