Originally posted by bish0p
hi drm. I didn't replace the projector for the fogs. it doesn't look too difficult to replace it. but it'd be difficult to find one that size that would fit in there. i did have pictures of the inside somewhere. but its been so long. i'll try to find them. I didn't replace that projector because it's good enough for foglights, just not bright enough to be headlights. i point my fogs downward so it doesnt really need to project that far.
Hey man that's cool, I am having problems with my projector fog lights with H3 hids behind them, they are not really that bright when you are behind the wheel but they seem to throw out a huge amount of glare and the cut off line is in the trees at like 30 metres, here are some pics of how the h3 projector performs with a h3 HID globe behind it:

the H3 hid is behind this headlight projector same as yours:

I also couldn't manage to direct the lights down more than 1 / 2 cm, which is nothing, the beam needs to be atleast 1/2 - 1 foot down from where it is at the moment in those wall / cut off pics.

In essence the aftermarket projector lenses are crap, same with the screws that "allow" you to move the beam, how did you manage to angle them down so much? Or are your fogs the same as mine?