Originally posted by kowalski
Doorsills off:
my alternator noise came back after I turned off the doorsills.
when speeding excessive at 120 mph or more the noise was loud.

Doorsills on:
I stopped the car and turned on the doorsills, noise was gone.
I guess this has to do with the extra wires is attached to the body, connecting an extra ground to each doorpin killed the noise in low speed,
but when on and turned off will give noise feedback
randomly in various speeds.

My black powerboxes are not close to amps.
Fronts are down in the tunnel near center pillar front doors.

Rear black boxes for rear doors are inside the plastic wire protectors where this thick ground wire from battery sits beside the plastic covers, which are back of the side cushions.

I don't know where the best place to hide these black boxes are, please tell me.
I have the factory setup Booze system