I just installed a magnaflow 14830 on my I6 c280 and it has such a dip sound at low rpm that i hate it. To me the sound is unbearable when you take off from a complete stop like a red light or a stop sign. I just can't stand the dip sound at low rpm from (500 to 2500). after 2500 rpm it sounds very nice is there a way to reduce the dip sound man is driving me crazy. I love my car but this sound is making me hate driving her. Please I need you guys help man, I have only had the muffler for 3 days and if it is going to be like this I will take it down and put the stock muffler back in. Please any idea y is it like this, I will take it to see the installation was done bad or if there is a leak. please help I love the way it looks but i just hate the way it sounds under 2500 rpm