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Thread: Fan-like noise from left air vents area when accelerating

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Fan-like noise from left air vents area when accelerating

    I've started noticing this weird noise from the left air vent area when pushing on the gas pedal.It feels like there's something like a leaf stuck somewhere that trembles when there's an air flow. I unmounted the air vent and checked if there's anything that might cause this and found nothing. I can't hear that noise in the left air vent area. So it's only noticed in the left side. I would suspect this was exhaust leak or belts/pulleys but I don't hear that noise when the car is parked no matter how high I rev the engine. I'll eventually take the car to a shop if I don't find the problem but just wanted to see if anyone else have had the same issue and got it figured out. Do you have any idea what else can cause this noise?
    Last edited by MikeJM; 09-14-2016 at 02:38 AM. Reason: Added more detail

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2013
    biglerville pa
    video? and dose it do it in gear when stopped (in gear stopped and power braking like your about to do a burnout?)

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by vaspen View Post
    video? and dose it do it in gear when stopped (in gear stopped and power braking like your about to do a burnout?)
    I tried what you suggested but in gear when stopped I don't hear that noise. I tried to record the noise but I couldn't manage to make it hearable in the video.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    biglerville pa
    I mean I'm fat and it's not hard to drop the fan motor out on these cars if you have a long screwdriver (I forget exactly )
    But you may have a leaf or piece of plastic that fell in the bucket of the fan

    Do you have the cabin filter still?

    There is a drain box on these cars on the right side behind the front wheel for debris that needs to be cleaned every now and then mine is way over due

    Fupabox on YouTube has these vids

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2015
    I'll try removing the cabin air filter and see if there's any debris. Maybe there's something in the air ways

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2024
    Hello Mike, I am having the same noise it increases while accelerating. It is like the sound of engine activity commijg through the vent. i dont know yet what is the cause? I checked my air intake kit for leaks and issues, no problem found. Checked air filter too. Cleaned it up. Yet same thing is there? Did you find it?

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