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Thread: Auto folding mirrors.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Bournemouth or France

    Auto folding mirrors.

    My 1998 Wagon has electrically folding mirrors which are unable to be folded from the central locking. That isn't a problem as I can scheme up a suitable widget but I would like to know exactly which of the wires that feed the vacuum locking pump assembly carry the trigger signals to lock and unlock the car. It will save me a lot of work with a pin and a meter if I can find out another way. Does anybody here know, please?

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Hey,i cannot answer your question,but I woud like to ask another question about auto folding mirros,since theres this topic already.
    I want to fit my wagon with such mirrors,as I have searched ,best way is to look from w210,and I wanted to know,do most of the european w210 come with auto folding mirrors or dont,and cant that internsls with motor coud be fitted into w202 mirrors with no blinkers,because i woud like that feature,but i like w202 mirror design,and I never seen any auto folding w202 mirrors in my area.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    St. Vincent
    I bought some used W202 folding mirrors on ebay some years ago. Also wired it up and fitted a switch.

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