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Thread: Anybody Run Unichips

  1. #1

    Anybody Run Unichips

    I was just checkin to see if anyone put a Unichip in their car. We just got them in here at work and from what I understand they're badass. Let me know if you got one!

  2. #2
    Well, since nobody seems to have one I decided to order one up for myself. Should be here later this week. After about a year they finally got a normal website that people can actually get info on what the hell they are.

  3. #3
    post up before and after dynos when you get it!
    If you can thread the needle... and if your drive can lead to Pole Position today, history may hold a place for you tomorrow.

    search. think. do. post.

  4. #4
    Heres what I know about the Unichip. It has a good reputation and performs well and where it does not perform Unichip offers a full refund.

    It has to be installed at one of there authorized dealers and tuned on a dyno, real-time. So you will get a before and after dyno performance indicator. Typical gains are around 10%.

    The dealer needs to pay close attention to part throttle operation as thats where you spend most of your time driving and where, if the tuning is done right you will feel the biggest changes.

    Drawbacks are that the Unichip cannot change the basic paramiters of the base ECU map. So if there is something in the basic map that screwed up then the Unichip may not operate as good as it could. But then you have the oportunity to get the full refund.

    1999 C43 Obsidian Black; Penske Remote Adjustable Shocks; Adjustable Spring Perches; SSR Comp Wheels, 9.5 & 9.5x17\"; Custom 31.75mm front & 19mm rear swaybar; Ported Manifold; Limited Slip Differential, Headers and race Cats, Other Stuff

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Use to have one on old my car but it was turbocharged (WRX) so easier to find gains... The tuner was vey important in the process. Too much boost and you'll get EGT problems, etc... The only drawback' was not able to start the car in freezing conditions during the winter (I'm in Canada)

    I dont know the power gain for the atmospheric engine of my C43 but I would like to know!

  6. #6
    The shop I work for has a DynoJet 248 and a mechanic that used to install them for the Racers Group out in Cali. After talking with the guys at Unichip, they are really really strict on shops offering some sort of gurantee on the chips. Call them up sometime and ask them some off the wall question. It's insane how much they can rattle off about a specific car and their chip without batting an eye.

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