This is a very good deal if anyone intereted....

Sat, Apr 23 - 10 am
Huntington Beach

10 am - The House of Power (Slater/Gothard - 714-504-1847 - Josh)
Hang out and get your car done or just watch everyone else. Discounted Dyno Power Pulls -
$50 - 3 Dyno Pulls (normally $85)
$75 - + Air Fuel Monitoring (normally $135)

12 - 2 pm - Central Park (just down the street, we'll bring our own BBQ and park it on the grass right next to where we will have our cars parked, so we can keep looking at them ). BYOC = Bring Your Own Cooler with hot dogs, turkey burgers, cheese slices, lettuce, onions, tomatos, buns, condiments, steaks, potato salad, chips, drinks (sorry no alcohol allowed), plastic ware, napkins, ice, whatever. BBQ, coals and lighter fluid will be provided. Maps will be provided beforehand at THOP.

Would like to see a HPS and KLEEMANN ..maybe even a RENNTECH car at the Event..To See the REAL Numbers and A/F